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Author Topic: Plasma (PD) more pictures?  (Read 266 times)
der Warst
« on: November 26, 2007, 06:48:28 am »

Hey there.

Since I'm using Super nintendos as VJ tools, my main interest in Romhacking is about getting stuff with a strong visual appeal (something that would work on a big projection as well as your TV). While browsing the internet, I found a Demo called "Plasma (PD).smc". It's a small Rom where there are two different pictures with several color pallettes cycling through them, so you get a psychedelic plasma effect. I have allready found out how to replace the pictures with my own as well as the palettes to get all kinds of weird stuff.

There is only one prolem, though: I'm using them with modified carts in the original hardware and It's getting really annoying to only have two pictures to choose from per cart. Is there someone who could explain to me If it's possile to hack that rom to accept more pictures and give me some tips of where to start? I've done a lot of graphical stuff by now, but Hex editing is still pretty confusing to me.

red straW
der Warst
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2007, 08:56:54 am »


Please, I want to learn how to do it. I just don't quite know where to start.

I've only done graphics stuff so far and I sure it's a lot harder to expand a Rom like this to include some kind of slideshow.
I guess I'd have to disassemble the rom, but where do I go from there?

I know what I do is not really related to Games, so most of the people wouldn't be interested in it.
I'm sorry if my questions might come along a wrong angle (i.e. sound too demanding), but I must confess to feel a little clumsy in communicating precisely what I want to do in english, since it's not my mother language and I always feel a little overwhelmed by all the terminology used around here.

If there's posts from other members relating to my problem, could someone please supply me a Link to them? I've tried to use the search function but frankly, I don't really know what to search for. Also, could you please tell me which tools I'd have to familiarize with to achieve my aim?

I know that I would have to do a lot of reading. But I don't know what...

« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2007, 06:05:45 pm »

Sorry. I do not have ASM knowledge, so I'm not so sure here...
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2007, 06:29:04 pm »

You're going to have to learn some assembly code, and use a debugger to trace through the loading routines. You can't just magically add more pictures to select from. You're going to need to modify the code to select from more locations. How that's done is going to be entirely dependent on how it's coded right now.

Geiger's SNES9x Debugger is in the database here. 65c816 assembly documents are here and all over Google. You're going to have ask some more specific questions.
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