I only add content and fix grammar, so don't expect a sentence to disappear.
I'm adding links to content that may be useful for anyone hacking DKC1 or DKC2 at the bottom of this post.
Okay, by now I'm sure you're all sick of my aspirations. There's a whole other thread about that sappy crud! :thumbsup:
I stumbled upon this though:
Apparently it's "proof" that there will be a DKC2 editor. Chances are it's a bad Gameshark code, thought it was interesting. 19 seconds is in no way PROOF though. I didn't even see an editor window.
However, searching for DKC1 yielded some results -
and this as well (was also on the info section of the video):
This one says it's a ROM hack, but it also looks like a gameshark setup:
Anyway, back to the level editor:
Who knows? Maybe getting some people aware here can help get people working together on the complex stuff. From what I know, it's a remake of the DKC1 engine with Game Maker, but it makes sense that recreating the game's engine would require a bit of knowledge that could help out a lot in actually creating a "lunar magic" for DKC. It takes an understanding of the game to actually recreate it, no?

And just for all of you out there making sure the newb is staying busy - I altered my first FF1 sprite! :crazy: