Topic: Wanted: Skilled NES Rom Hacker (Read 776 times)
« on: November 19, 2007, 07:07:34 pm » |
I'm looking for ANYBODY willing to create a 2D port of Super Smash Bros. for the NES. I would do this myself, but I know absolutely Nothing about hacking Roms. I already tried finding someone at school capable of hacking, but they all turned out to be clueless. I'm desperate to translate this idea into an actual working game. I already have a game in mind for the hack: Kirby's Adventure. I think this game would work for this hack for several reasons. For one, Kirby (who just happpens to be a defalt character in SSB) is already included. The several powerups throughout Kirby's Adventure already resemble useable items in SSB (The laser powerup can be translated into the laser gun pickup in SSB, the hammer power into the hammer pickup, etc.) Some powerups also resemble special moves of several characters in SSB (the spark powerup can be translated into Pikachu's special). The Kirby's Adventure engine can also handle a large amount of sprites on screen at once (albeit with some lag), but SSB only needs four sprites anyway. Levels can also be easily made, too. Some sprites must be imported from other games, of course. As far as I know, Mario's sprite from Super Mario Bros. 3 should work. I can help with creating other character sprites if you want.
So...anybody interested?
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2007, 09:43:57 pm » |
I'm looking for ANYBODY willing to create a 2D port of Super Smash Bros. for the NES. I would do this myself, but I know absolutely Nothing about hacking Roms. I already tried finding someone at school capable of hacking, but they all turned out to be clueless. I'm desperate to translate this idea into an actual working game. I already have a game in mind for the hack: Kirby's Adventure. I think this game would work for this hack for several reasons. For one, Kirby (who just happpens to be a defalt character in SSB) is already included. The several powerups throughout Kirby's Adventure already resemble useable items in SSB (The laser powerup can be translated into the laser gun pickup in SSB, the hammer power into the hammer pickup, etc.) Some powerups also resemble special moves of several characters in SSB (the spark powerup can be translated into Pikachu's special). The Kirby's Adventure engine can also handle a large amount of sprites on screen at once (albeit with some lag), but SSB only needs four sprites anyway. Levels can also be easily made, too. Some sprites must be imported from other games, of course. As far as I know, Mario's sprite from Super Mario Bros. 3 should work. I can help with creating other character sprites if you want.
So...anybody interested?
it's only a matter of time before they redirect you to:,3282.0.htmlI think that Super Mario War is one of the best SSB-styled games, although it's only slightly close, it's more of it's "own" game. It's actually more of a Super Mario Bros. with a 4-player battle mode and lots of battle games (tag, king of the hill, etc.). See if you like it (it's for Windows/Xbox Homebrew):
Griff Morivan
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2007, 11:18:15 pm » |
I'd like to step back on this one, actually. Can you think of a single good NES fighter? Cause I can't. Not really. I mean, I have heard of a couple being amusing, but no where NEAR the grade of SSB. Furthermore, there is a huge problem with it being Kirby is that about, I dunno, 11/12, 31/32 and 9999999/10000000 SSB, SSBM and SSBB players don't use Kirby. Furthermore, absorbing enemies instantly kills then. So it wouldn't work. I mean, if you can find a half way decent fighter, and find someone interested in corrupting, ripping, fiddling and finding values to make new levels an everything for some fighter, be my guest.
Just saying, this sounds more like a flighty idea than an opportunity.
Kitsune Sniper
« Reply #3 on: November 20, 2007, 01:20:45 am » |
I can't believe I'm saying this...
Just get Mugen and a bunch of good sprite editors. Don't bother coding a homebrew game, or hacking that waste of a game called TMNT Tournament Fighters. It's just not worth the hassle.
Griff Morivan
« Reply #4 on: November 20, 2007, 08:17:43 am » |
Or do that. But no doubt, packs have been made and sets designed. It's probably not even an issue, really.
All in all, bad idea.
« Reply #5 on: November 20, 2007, 09:33:36 pm » |
Well, I'm sort of glad to here the news...seeing as communicating with someone via E-mail about the aspects of the hack would be too much of a hassle anyway.
I do have another question though; Is it possible to convert a .GB Rom into a working .NES Rom?
« Last Edit: November 20, 2007, 09:41:35 pm by dbl0sevenboy »
« Reply #6 on: November 20, 2007, 09:41:29 pm » |
I do have another question though; Is it possible to convert a .GB Rom into a working .NES Rom?
...Why would it be possible? They're two entirely different systems.
« Reply #7 on: November 20, 2007, 09:48:55 pm » |
I do have another question though; Is it possible to convert a .GB Rom into a working .NES Rom?
...Why would it be possible? They're two entirely different systems. I don't know... I know nothing about hacking... I thought they might have similar hardware capablities (Except for color). I just thought it would be cool to get a Gameboy game working on an NES so I could send the Rom to Nes Reproductions and get a cart made.
« Reply #8 on: November 20, 2007, 10:46:15 pm » |
It would be possible to port a Game Boy game to NES. Unfortunately for you, there's no magic bullet that can do what you're asking, no program that you can pop a Game Boy ROM into and get an NES ROM in exchange.
What you're asking for is a port, meaning a total and complete rewrite of the game's code so that it functions in an equivalent fashion on the NES. To accomplish this, you would need a buttload of hardware experience programming for both the Game Boy and the NES (and while they basically do the same thing in similar ways, knowledge of one does not translate directly into knowledge of the other), as well as either the game's original source code (which you could probably only get if you happened to work for the game's developer) or a well-commented disassembly of the ROM (something which has been accomplished for Super Mario Bros. and Metroid, but those are relatively compact games).
In short, from where you're standing right now: no, it's not possible, any more than you could walk out your front door and decide, "I'm going to scale Mt. Everest today." You could do it with a few years of training and preparation, not to mention numerous esoteric tools of the trade, but there is no one-click solution.
Griff Morivan
« Reply #9 on: November 21, 2007, 08:00:56 am » |
Ryusui has said it perfectly. It all comes down to the work you put in is the result you get out. What game were you hoping to port, anyway? I mean, if it's a similar game to another title on the NES, then it's a remote possibility to make a semi-sorta port.
« Reply #10 on: November 21, 2007, 08:56:40 am » |
I wanted to port Pokemon Crystal with this hack applied: wanted to port the game and allow for the capture of all the pokemon (where as different versions of the game leave out different pokemon) and take out the multiplayer aspect of it (seeing as trading between Nintendos would be impossible). I thought it would be fun to port the game and get a cart of it made.
« Reply #11 on: November 21, 2007, 09:29:38 am » |
It would be possible to port a Game Boy game to NES. Unfortunately for you, there's no magic bullet that can do what you're asking, no program that you can pop a Game Boy ROM into and get an NES ROM in exchange.
What you're asking for is a port, meaning a total and complete rewrite of the game's code so that it functions in an equivalent fashion on the NES. To accomplish this, you would need a buttload of hardware experience programming for both the Game Boy and the NES (and while they basically do the same thing in similar ways, knowledge of one does not translate directly into knowledge of the other), as well as either the game's original source code (which you could probably only get if you happened to work for the game's developer) or a well-commented disassembly of the ROM (something which has been accomplished for Super Mario Bros. and Metroid, but those are relatively compact games).
In short, from where you're standing right now: no, it's not possible, any more than you could walk out your front door and decide, "I'm going to scale Mt. Everest today." You could do it with a few years of training and preparation, not to mention numerous esoteric tools of the trade, but there is no one-click solution.
Well said sir. Being that I've found success at both ROM hacking and mountain climbing, I can attest to that analogy and the fact that long term prep is necessary for both. 
« Reply #12 on: November 21, 2007, 03:38:03 pm » |
I can't believe I'm saying this...
Just get Mugen and a bunch of good sprite editors. Don't bother coding a homebrew game, or hacking that waste of a game called TMNT Tournament Fighters. It's just not worth the hassle.
I was thinking the same thing! +1 from me.
« Reply #13 on: November 21, 2007, 11:14:29 pm » |
I wanted to port Pokemon Crystal with this hack applied: wanted to port the game and allow for the capture of all the pokemon (where as different versions of the game leave out different pokemon) and take out the multiplayer aspect of it (seeing as trading between Nintendos would be impossible). I thought it would be fun to port the game and get a cart of it made. Here's my recommendation, then: learn to do it yourself. Even if you never get as far as Mt. Everest, there are still smaller mountains yet to be climbed. The community needs romhackers, and if you're willing to learn, you'll always be welcome. ...Just promise that if you do ever get that far, you won't let your cart fall into the hands of anyone who will sell it on eBay and stir up rumors among the foaming masses. >_>
« Reply #14 on: November 22, 2007, 02:35:38 pm » |
Well, thanks anyway.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2007, 02:41:26 pm by dbl0sevenboy »