I'm working on a complete graphical (and maybe also sound) reshaping of Wolfenstein 3d for SNES. I found out that it's actually fairly easy to exchange the wall textures and floor and ceiling color once you have found the right settings for bitplanes and stuff in Tilemol. I also found the palette for most of the stuff pretty easily.
BUT: I have a big problem with the sprites, because they are stored as a continuous stream of pixels which also seem to be in some order I don't quite understand yet and. I don't know how I should descramble them to be replaced with my own sprites. And then rescramble my own sprites to fit in their place afterwards.
For Example, this is what one frame of the first Boss looks like:

I guess the code above or below is the map data or something and I suppose I should find a way of extracting the map data to be able to edit the sprites somehow, but I'm lost here, because I don't quite know what to look for.
Thanks for any help,
der Warst