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Author Topic: Need FSNASM Please Assist  (Read 338 times)
« on: October 04, 2007, 09:51:09 pm »

I need FSNASM for Hyrule Magic and I can't find it anywhere. If anyone has it can someone please email it to me, it would be very much appreciated.
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2007, 06:42:43 pm »

I have a copy sitting on my geocities account for a long time
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2007, 07:05:03 pm »

What a honor, the great Euclid, I love your hack Parallel Worlds , it is amazing , I like the new overworld graphics.
Now when you designing your dungeons , do you first draw it out on paper and plan everything out first, or do you just come up with your layouts as you go , while playing Parallel Worlds I was so inspired that I decided to make my own Zelda 3 Hack,

can you give some advice about Zelda 3 Hacking. like some tips and tricks?

What program do you use to make and edit your graphics?
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2007, 10:06:38 pm »

I admit I had no play in any of the graphics in PW (with the exception of "this looks good"). The overworld is mostly SePH's job, and that was redone a few times.

Drawing it out on paper is annoying, the best thing to do is do it in a empty rom and play until you like it.

The only kind of thing I plan out is the theme of the dungeon, the rooms to be used, number of floors, keys and how many "little segments" I can split a dungeon in. Rarely do i concentrate on the details.

For example, take Darunia's dungeon. The rooms have no relations with each other, those rooms can be done at different times without worrying about breaking the dungeon layout.

On the other hand, a dungeon like Impa's ways needs to be planned and have all the navigation done in a single session so they link up correctly. (or at least documented between sessions)

So basically, divide and conquer and don't let the amount of rooms/work intimidate you.
« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2007, 12:27:48 pm »

You don't have to be so modest , you guys did an awesome job on that hack. It is an honor to be able to talk to such a great Zelda 3 Hacker like yourself.

I enjoyed Tower of the Triforce as well, that was a very fun hack, it was very challenging and enjoyable.

So basically with the Dungeons , do you set up the basic the infrastructure of the level, you know like just empty rooms with just doors and holes, keys , everything you need just to get to the boss of the dungeon. With out any enemies and such. I also like how you have a Boss Key and a Chest Key, that is very cool, now that was a ASM Hack , I believe.

Is there a way to make it so all Bosses don't drop heart Containers?

For my first level , it will be in the forest so I want to have a level with multiple entrances and exits, like DW Lv3 in the original LttP, with the dungeon item being the boots.
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