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Author Topic: Dunk Heroes table?  (Read 622 times)
« on: September 26, 2007, 07:24:54 pm »

So I am trying to replace the remaining gobblety gook in the 75% translation with SOMETHING. But I am on OS X and thus cannot find many good tools, this is making it really hard to figure out a table for the game.

I decided to start out small and change this.

So I went into tile molester and came down to here.

Since i'm not sure how it is going to be positioned in the NES memory I assumed

B1 0B D0 13 24

But searching for that brought nothing. So I am lost. How can I figure out a table for this game without a good debugging emulator?
Kitsune Sniper
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2007, 09:00:51 pm »

The answer is simple: You can't.

I'm being honest here, I tried to finish Ipkiss' translation (with his blessing) but everything he gave me was such a mess, I had to start over from scratch. I'm not even sure HOW he managed to do all that work. The CHR is a complete mess. I can't make heads or tails out of anything he did. He said he'd give me his stuff and let me finish if I kept his title screen, but since I redid everything, I'm not certain if I'll do it.

I'm not discouraging you from trying to finish his work at all. At this point, I'm surprised more people haven't tried to do it. But honestly, it'd be much, MUCH easier to start over from scratch.

And one of these days I'll finish the translation. I swear. :p

In any case, it's good to see at least some Mac hackers are around! Good luck to you. Smiley
« Last Edit: September 26, 2007, 09:14:35 pm by Kitsune Sniper »
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2007, 10:20:50 pm »

Well damn, not what I wanted to hear.

Whole reason I want a more complete translation is because I would like to get a cartridge made from it at nesreproductions.com (since the original famicom cart is so expensive) and I would like a complete and good looking version of the game since I have to pay for it and all. Since his translation was almost complete I figured I could easily fill in the few remaining blanks without a problem, but it isn't looking that way.

Oh well, maybe i'll work it out.
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2007, 11:45:21 pm »

well in time a translation may be done, but if someone has to do it from scratch it'll take longer. :/ it's rough but that's the world of romhacking.
« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2007, 05:49:00 pm »

I think it would be cool to translate and Americanize all of the unreleased in the US Kunio games into sequels to the published games and other Technos games (like they did with Double Dragon II GB). I would call this game Crash 'N the Boys: Dunk Heroes.

Here's what I would title the rest of the series (just as if released and translated in the same way as Super Dodge Ball, Nintendo World Cup, River City Ransom, etc.):
(All for NES/Famicom unless specified otherwise)

Crash 'N the Boys: Athletic Challenge (Downtown Nekketsu Koshinkyoku: Soreyuke Daiundokai)
River City Ransom Special (Downtown Special: Kunio-kun no Jidaigeki dayo Zen'in Shugo)
Super Dodge Ball GB (Nekketsu Koko Dodgeball-bu: Kyôteki! Tokyu; Senshi (Dodge Soldier) no Maki)
Crash 'N the Boys: Ice Challenge (Ike Ike! Nekketsu Hockey-bu: Subette Koronde Dairant)
Crash 'N the Boys: Athletic Challenge GB (Downtown Nekketsu Koshinkyoku: Dokodemo Daiundokai)
River City Ransom 2 (SNES) (Shodai Nekketsu Koha Kunio-kun)
River City Ransom: Tournament Edition (Nekketsu Kakuto Densetsu)
Nintendo World Cup 2 (Kunio-kun no Nekketsu Soccer League)
Crash 'N the Boys: Street Challenge GB (Bikkuri Nekketsu Shinkiroku: Dokodemo Kin Medal)
Super Dodge Ball 2 (SNES) (Kunio-kun no Dodgeball da yo Zen'in Sh?;g?!!)
Crash 'N the Boys: Dunk Heroes (Nekketsu! Street Basket: Ganbare Dunk Heroes)
Crash 'N the Boys: Diamond Challenge (SNES) (Downtown Nekketsu Baseball Monogatari: Yaky?; de Sh?bu da! Kunio-kun)
River City Ransom Special GB (Downtown Special: Kunio-kun no Jidaigeki dayo Zen'in Shugo)
The Combatribes II: River City (SNES) (Shin Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun - Kunio Tachi No Banka)
Crash 'N the Boys: Puzzle Challenge (SNES) (Kunio no Oden)
Super Spike 'V Ball GB (Nekketsu! Beach Volley da yo: Kunio-kun)
Kitsune Sniper
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2007, 06:38:02 pm »

Quote from: marioxb on September 28, 2007, 05:49:00 pm
I think it would be cool to translate and Americanize all of the unreleased in the US Kunio games into sequels to the published games and other Technos games (like they did with Double Dragon II GB). I would call this game Crash 'N the Boys: Dunk Heroes.

Speak for yourself.

I didn't mind the whole Alex / Ryan thing in River City Ransom. But Crash Cooney? Seriously? I'd rather have NO games than such a horrible adaptation. :banghead:

Also, SHAME ON YOU for daring to tag Kunio's Eulogy as a Combatribes sequel! :banghead:
« Reply #6 on: September 30, 2007, 07:17:29 am »

Quote from: Kitsune Sniper on September 28, 2007, 06:38:02 pm
Also, SHAME ON YOU for daring to tag Kunio's Eulogy as a Combatribes sequel! :banghead:

I haven't played it yet, but they said it plays similar to Combatribes, and it is by the same company!
« Reply #7 on: October 02, 2007, 12:02:04 am »

Quote from: marioxb on September 28, 2007, 05:49:00 pm
I think it would be cool to translate and Americanize all of the unreleased in the US Kunio games into sequels to the published games and other Technos games (like they did with Double Dragon II GB). I would call this game Crash 'N the Boys: Dunk Heroes.

Heh, a few of the hacks I was working on for a while were basically along those same lines.  For a while I was trying to make a Crash N The Boys Dunk Challenge (so sue me, I actually liked Crash Tongue), but trying to cram six letter names into a four character space looks bad ("Dragon" was especially ugly) so I kind of abandoned it.  After that I started messing with Kakutou Densetsu and turned that roughly into Fighting Challenge.  I'm not gonna do a full polished hack of it, though, since there are some things I can't figure out and I think I'd rather start a hack of something that's not a Nekketsu game for a change.
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