Topic: ZeldaIII Lttp HUD/Inventory (Read 534 times)
« on: September 16, 2007, 09:46:07 pm » |
Does anyone have a hack of the HUD on Lttp to resemble WindWaker or OOT? Same thing with the inventory screen? thanks in advance
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2007, 01:31:19 am » |
I don't know of a standalone hack for just that, but OoT-style is featured in Parallel Worlds.
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2007, 12:16:43 pm » |
Yea Parallel worlds had a nice HUD, maybe if you ask Euclid nicely , Euclid will enlighten you on how to do it, also MathOnNapkins knows a lot about Zelda 3, you should ask him about it, I bet he would know because he has spent so much time studying the Core of the game.
i know that changing the HUD is going to be something that needs ASM, and I can't seem to find FSNASM so I can use that with Hyrule Magic if anyone has it , please tell me where you found it , or email me the zip file. I want to install this Day-Night Cycling Module but do not want to just Blind Patch the game, would prefer to be able to use Hyrule Magic for ASM.
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2007, 01:15:59 pm » |
I could be wrong... but I don't think JasP's daytime/ nighttime patch uses FNASM. I have a copy of FNASM somewhere, I think. But most people nowadays use WLA-DX or Xkas for assembly hacks.
« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2007, 01:35:37 pm » |
Will WLA-DX or Xkas work with Hyrule Magic, because I am new to ASM , I am looking at the source code for the Daynight Cycle and it looks like it starts by defining variables, now what are these elements that start with the "!"
!hud_min_low = $7EC79E !hud_min_high = $7EC79C !hud_hours_low = $7EC798 !hud_hours_high = $7EC796 !hud_template = $0DFF07
is that what keeps the HUD from changing color, or is it because the HUD is not affected by Palettes.
and the stuff after the Semi-Colons are comments right and are ignored by the SNES, because SNES does not understand ASCII.
« Reply #5 on: October 05, 2007, 01:49:06 pm » |
that looks like code for use in xkas. semicolons are used for comment markers in just about any assembler for any processor out there you can find.