In Demon's Blazon, there are a ton of fonts. There's the all caps English 8x8 font, all caps 8x16, Japanese 8x8, and Japanese 16x16.
I was able to figure out the table for the Japanese 8x8 by replacing it with an English font, then relative searching for the Cavespeak. That was actually the very FIRST table I figure'd out with Relative Searching (I used Search RX, if that's of relevance). If it helps, for some reason, I was only able to figure out the table values when I searched for some of the Cavespeak number sequences that came up (056 for example, was quite common).
However, I'm unaware of how to find the table values for the 16x16 font. I tried doing what I did before, and it didn't work (though it may be because I inserted a 8x16 font, and tried relative searching for that). I tried both options in Search RX (which is normal search, or 16byte searches), and came up with nothing.
Is there another method I should be trying to find the font? It's very important that I do so, as that's the font for the intro and endings.