Topic: Question about Super Robot Wars 4 (Read 1718 times)
« Reply #15 on: September 08, 2007, 09:33:46 pm » |
i read some of those documents, i cant find the one that can teach me how to make a library compression, how to reduce the empty spaces between letters
and none of those tools can make a good looking font for me too
The thing is, you have to learn how the font rendering works (the font itself, and how/where the font data is stored) before you even can talk about dealing with it. It is not like there is specific code to just "plug in" like changing fonts in your favorite text editor.
« Reply #16 on: September 09, 2007, 12:15:42 pm » |
with YY-CHR, a lot of works can be done but you must have a nice font before doing so
i try some font tools like WindFont.exe, SNESFontGenerator, but the font they dump are not good enough, or the program crashes
GBA font and SNES font are different in size, how can i resize and smooth the font ? and how about making library compression ? there is no document or i just cant find it
i'm not a native english speaker, sorry for that
« Reply #17 on: September 09, 2007, 01:03:34 pm » |
Well I am a native English speaker but I have trouble with grammar. Anyway I searched yahoo and found a library compression document that might help here. Hacking the GBA is a hard task even for those who aren't complete newbies. I wouldn't try it myself. I mostly stick with the NES.
« Reply #18 on: September 10, 2007, 11:42:23 am » |
i only want a nice font to insert it into srw4 rom
Me_Dave, your link, eh, isnt it some kinds of software programming ? im not sure i can understand it or not, but thanks anyway
library compression, library DTE, dictionary compression.... dont know what it real name is
« Reply #19 on: September 10, 2007, 01:38:00 pm » |
Yes, you'll need to learn how to actually program in SNES ASM in order to hack SRW4.
Anyway, I'm fairly certain that what you're looking for is not a method to fit more text into the ROM but a method to fit more text onto the screen: i.e., not "compression", but a proportional font (or "variable-width font", "VWF", in the romhacking vernacular). You can edit the font in your favorite tile editor till the Guests go home, but to make the letters actually print like this instead of like this, you'll need to get into the guts of the game and do some redecorating.
And FYI, coding a VWF is not something we can just "tell you how to do". You'll have to learn SNES ASM, and get pretty damn good at it. Console graphics are not handled in a way conducive to proportional fonts "out-of-the-box", as it were: it's like teaching a man armed with a Paleolithic-era stone chisel to sculpt like Michaelangelo. You could fudge things by reprogramming the game to print an 8x16 monospace (or "fixed-width") font instead of the existing 16x16, a much easier task than going full-proportional, and it might be wise to get in some practice on another title before you try hacking the games you really want to do.
« Reply #20 on: September 11, 2007, 11:24:12 am » |
a method to fit more text onto the screen exactly this is what i mean  --->  but SRW4 font is 8x8 not 16x16 anyway, this is library DTE ( or something else ) i'm talking about Library DTE Apart from the regular 2-byte combinations, some games also store entire words in a single (or sometimes more than one) hexdecimal. This is referred to as Library DTE, and works about the same way as normal DTE. The difference is that the words are stored like regular text, with pointers pointing to them (how to calculate these, can be found in the pointer-chapter depending on which format you're working with).
If you want to translate these, you'll probably have to modify said pointers. When it comes to tablefiles, they're added in the same way as normal DTE. both of these things exist in most of the translation patches, am i right ?
« Reply #21 on: September 11, 2007, 11:55:26 am » |
The screenshots you're showing demonstrate a variable width font. Notice how the width of "i" and "m" are different. 8x16 is still a fixed width, and doesn't sound quite like what you're looking for. Fixed width is a font like Courier, and variable something like Times New Roman.
« Reply #22 on: September 11, 2007, 12:01:18 pm » |
It's not a technique used in "most translation patches" so much as one used by "many games". Breath of Fire 2 uses a dictionary compression scheme natively, and the Final Fantasy games have always used DTE to my knowledge. There have been cases where dictionary/DTE compression has been added to a ROM that had none to begin with; however, I cannot name any examples. (Huffman coding, a much more complicated method, is a different story. RedComet is quite a virtuoso with this.)
So like I said. If you wanna use DTE/dictionary compression or a proportional font, fine. You're gonna have to learn to program first. We got docs here for that.
« Reply #23 on: September 11, 2007, 12:03:21 pm » |
As Shadowsithe said, that's a vwf, it has nothing to do with any DTE. I wonder how one can even draw a connection? The article you quoted talked about storage, not display. DTE is a compression for the text data. A vwf is a special form of drawing characters onto the screen. It's a good deal more difficult as implementing DTE as well. Most people will tell you that you can pretty much forget it as a beginner. The time it'll take you to learn this, AGTP will have released their translation 
« Reply #24 on: September 12, 2007, 11:48:35 am » |
no, it's you who misunderstood i already know they are 2 different things from the start it's beacause i asked about those 2 in 1 post so you misunderstood me
i'll ask about them later when i finish reading the docs
and here come another question, what is your favorite font and which tools do you often use to dump the font from the OS
« Reply #25 on: September 12, 2007, 12:53:16 pm » |
People often just whip up their own fonts as they see fit. Fiddle around in MS Paint a bit. I know a lot of people are Chicago fans though. 
« Reply #26 on: September 14, 2007, 11:44:59 am » |
Chicago font is not for free, and i cant buy it because i'm not that rich
Could you recommend me some other nice and free font ?
« Reply #27 on: September 14, 2007, 11:56:43 am » |
"Just copy dat floppy!"
« Reply #28 on: September 15, 2007, 11:47:14 am » |
what does that mean ? i don't have any floppy disk
« Reply #29 on: September 15, 2007, 12:57:09 pm » |
It's from a video. ... I don't think anyone will arrest you for using that font.