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Author Topic: I need simply to extract scripts (Ogre Battle series)  (Read 371 times)
« on: August 30, 2007, 03:33:22 pm »

Hi folks. I have no experience with game hacking whatsoever (except level editing and dehacked for Doom), and I don't actually want to make any changes to any existing games at this time. What I require is simply an extraction of an entire game's textual script - that is, dialogue, story, all of that. Menus and such are fine, too, though they may only rudimentarily serve my purposes - specifically, I want to write fanfic for the Ogre Battle series, but I do not want to do a bad job of it (from where is derived my own personal dislike of fanfiction). Therefore, I need to analyze the story and every minute detail from all four games, compile these details all into an elaborate sort of encyclopedia of information (with, additionally, manual information), and then make my own inferences as to what sort of story would be compatible with the canon.

I would like to, however, avoid playing through all four games, which each can take 80 hours of one's time on a single playthrough, five to ten times to get each ending and possible scenario and take them down methodically as I play. They are epically massive games. Being able to put it all in a document and then ctrl+f for, say, Deneb, and then move blocks of text around in wordpad categorically would be much simpler.

I looked briefly at the utilities section for this information and found very little that I could directly use without some knowledge of the hacking field. Also, I don't need the script to the SNES Tactics Ogre, as for my purposes the rough yet official translation that is the PSX version would be fine.

Thank you, and I hope I put this in the right section. I realized this might also be considered general hacking, but I thought putting it here would be more topical.

If I feel up to it I may want to look at Prince of Zenobia for information as well, but it's untranslated and a very low-selling side game that probably comprises a blip in the series creator's notes.

Addendum: I should note that, when I say the Ogre Battle series, I refer to Ogre Battle for SNES, Tactics Ogre: LUCT for PSX (or SNES, though there exists no full English translation that I'm aware of and I am not fluent in Japanese), OB:PoLC for N64, and TO: TkoL for GBA.

I just realized it might be prevalent to point out what sorts of systems on which exist the roms I need to "hack."
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2007, 04:46:41 pm »

Did you look at the Getting Started section? It can teach you the basics, but if text compression exists then I'd say you'd be pretty much screwed unless you want to take the time to learn ASM.
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2007, 12:40:12 pm »

Mmm, thank you much. I feel kind of humbled that I didn't look at the obvious choice.
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2007, 11:06:14 pm »

I'm fairly confident that the script for TKoL is uncompressed - you should be able to make a table for it easily so that might be a good one to start off with (hint: 087843FA == "Well Dressed Young Man.")
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