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Author Topic: How do you keep organized?  (Read 887 times)
« Reply #15 on: August 23, 2007, 11:07:33 pm »

I have nil organization. Aside from filenames.
I just know where what I want is. I remember how I think and how I would do things in the past and so am able to make sense of what I've done even if I don't remember doing it.
I have ended up disassembling my code a few times not realizing it was my code until I saw the disassembled code.

If I haven't worked with something in so long that I'd need notes to be able to understand it, then I would make bad assumptions about how it works even after I read the notes so it wouldn't make a difference. Although that may be because I've never been good at writing notes...
« Reply #16 on: August 23, 2007, 11:33:24 pm »

All my notes are just bookmark files from Hex Workshop.  My directories are pretty disorganized, although I usually limit the types of roms to one per directory.  That means my NES roms are sepereate from the SNES, but the NES roms are in with the emulator, while the SNES roms arn't.  I also have backups of backups of backups, and I rarely get to delete them all.  It's all a mess, but it's comfortable and I am rarely without what I need.  I also hand code ASM hacks in the hexl editor, so no need for disassembly tools.  My hacks in general arn't planned out, and it just spawns from an idea and goes from there.  That's the secret to having half finished, outdated projects that collect dust before being released as imcomplete hacks.
« Reply #17 on: August 24, 2007, 11:40:50 am »

Well, I try to keep as organized as I can, which is to say that I'm not super-organized, but organized enough. I have an "Active Projects" folder in which I have my projects, then inside the folder is the original ROM, hacked ROM, all the tables and such. Then I have three extra folders inside the project folder itself: "Translated Script Files", "Untranslated Script Files" and "Screenshots". That's about it.

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