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Author Topic: help in figuring out the compression of FSIV  (Read 599 times)
« on: July 15, 2007, 09:07:08 am »

I need help, I couldn't figure out the compression used for the Phantasy Star IV scripts

This is an example of the compression used

Are yo{FF},u a hunter?{/N}{EE}{FE}h{C0}{C7}{F3}{F7}to ex{E9}{87}{E1}mina{F9}{/n}t{EB} m{E3}"ons{EE}s?{FF}Thank{87}{F0}{D4}v{F0}y{E7}uch{7F}"!{/n}I feel{F3} sa{/n}d{F4}r now.{D4}{F8}JagaN{7C}{B3}{/n}fo{E7}{F2}ssi{80}g{B1}{E4}ce{DC}W{/n}{90}{DC}t's go{E0}g{E0}I{86}{F1}ppen{C0}LQ{94}{4F}{F8}Ib{CA}t{51}A{F7}{79}{72}{B3}o,{6E}{FF}{/n}b 7e{A4}{D0}{C6}A {C7}a{9F}{B8}{F3}{C3}{F0}{4E}b{9B}em{B7}t.{/N}C{7C}I'm{6B}{E1}frigh.%{CE}ned{C3}{50}c{78}f{CC}'t{/n}e{3C}

The uncompressed text from the ram:
Are you a hunter?{/N}Are you here to exterminate{/n}the monsters?{FF}Thank you very much!{/n}I feel much safer now.{FF}Thank you again{/n}for you assistance.{FF}What's going to happen now?{FF}{FA}{DA}C{FA}zB{FA}KAAbout a month ago, monsters{/n}began to appear in the basement.{/N}I'm so frightened, I can't{/n}even think about my research!{FF}Oh, you've completed the job!{/n}Thank you so much!{FF}Thank you again for your{/n}assistance.{FF}What's going to happen now?{FF}{FA}{DA}D{FA}zC{FA}KB{FA}HAYou're the hunter commissioned{/n}by the principal?{/N}A kid like you?!{/N}Are you going to be able to{/n}handle it?{FF}Wow, hey gorgeous!{/N}

I have got the above result after building a table, I have used /n to refer to new ling code, and /N to new message box code.

I have figured out that some of the codes refer to the previous characters, the first {EE}{FE} refers to "Are you " like that
FF-EE=11 -> decimal 17, if you return back 17 characters from the uncompressed text you will find it.

and I have also found that by changing the last hex from {FE} the number of bytes will change like below
If I change it to {F9} it will bring only 3 characters "Are", and if I change it to {FF} it will bring 9 characters "Are you a" that means it uses 3bits for the length

from the above I knew it is some sort of LZSS compression, but there are other codes I couldn't find any meaning for them like the "{FF}," that comes at the beginning of the compressed text

I don't know how could I make reverse engineering and analyze the code responsible for the decompression, so I just try to compare the code with the known compression types.

« Last Edit: July 17, 2007, 07:41:39 am by Nightcrawler »
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2007, 01:23:31 pm »

It's clearly an LZ scheme, with a minimum match length of 2.

It should be easy enough to figure out the compression from that if you have a Genesis emulator with a tracer of some sort. Set a breakpoint (assuming the emulator has such a feature) for when it loads the text address, then remove it and set another for the load instruction itself. Cycle through until it hits a compresion code, then step through and watch what it does.
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2007, 03:05:25 pm »

Dude. Line breaks.
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2007, 12:52:07 am »

Is there any good document that guides me step by step to do that
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2007, 04:44:39 am »

Press the Edit Button above your post and insert line breaks in your text where appropriate. Preview the page until you get it right and then click Save.
« Reply #5 on: July 17, 2007, 05:16:59 am »

Quote from: RedComet on July 17, 2007, 04:44:39 am
Press the Edit Button above your post and insert line breaks in your text where appropriate. Preview the page until you get it right and then click Save.

I don't think he meant THAT Roll Eyes
« Reply #6 on: July 17, 2007, 07:42:30 am »

I gave an example. Wink
« Reply #7 on: July 18, 2007, 12:36:19 am »

I meant how to debug the rom and how to find the decompression code.
« Reply #8 on: July 18, 2007, 02:45:59 am »

Get a Genesis emulator with a tracer, set a breakpoint to the text location in the ROM, run the program till it starts loading text, then start stepping through code.
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