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Author Topic: Translation Credits in Fan Translations  (Read 2009 times)
Prof. Radikoff
« on: June 10, 2007, 09:14:42 am »

Absolutely flawless job, congratulations!

The only thing I don't like it's putting the translation credits in the title screen. That's why I love groups like MIJET who only puts information of the translation in the header of the rom and the rest it's the pure translation. Things like the english Bahamut Lagoon title screen full of logos and nicknames looks ugly and it doesn't look like a profesional job. IMO a perfect translation has to be "invisible".

I don't see the point of: "2007 Translation by Metal Naruto Ver. 1.02".
« Last Edit: June 10, 2007, 09:20:10 am by Prof. Radikoff »
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2007, 09:36:03 am »

If you put a tremendous effort into something it's only natural that people want to be recognized for it. They deserve that. Almost nobody reads readme files, not many watch ending credits. At least in the title screen most people are bound to see the notice from who the translation originates.

There are still more than enough morrons every year who believe they bought a official German Secret of Mana 2 from ebay although the tile screen clearly states it's a translation >_>
Prof. Radikoff
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2007, 01:36:36 pm »

Yeah, but then why a nickname? If I wanted to be credited for some hard work I wouldn't put "Mr. Dildo 2007" or things like that in a title screen

A lot of people in the scene (not only MIJET) thinks the same. A perfect translation shows when you don't know you are playing a hacked game. It's like the people or groups who make rom dumps. Some of them like to put crappy intros in the roms, but a lot more releases the dump with a readme only, so the game feels the same as the original.

When some guy plays a translated game (like the Ebay guy who buys a hacked cart) and he doesn't notice anything, the hacker should be even more pleased than when he puts credits, because someone confused his work with a comercially profesional translation  Wink
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2007, 02:24:44 pm »

A lot of people in the scene (not only MIJET) thinks the same. A perfect translation shows when you don't know you are playing a hacked game. It's like the people or groups who make rom dumps. Some of them like to put crappy intros in the roms, but a lot more releases the dump with a readme only, so the game feels the same as the original.

So I guess professional translations should remove their company's logos and the translation credits from their games, too, right? Atlus, for example, only did they English translation for Super Robot Wars: Original Generation, but as soon as you turn on the game you're hit in the face with "property of Atlus" or some such. You're saying that makes the translation less "perfect", right? Or did I miss something?

When some guy plays a translated game (like the Ebay guy who buys a hacked cart) and he doesn't notice anything, the hacker should be even more pleased than when he puts credits, because someone confused his work with a comercially profesional translation  Wink

Yeah, he should be happy that some asshat is making an obscene amount of money of his hundreds of hours of work. Good idea.
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2007, 02:46:28 pm »

This discussion regarding branding or not branding your translation is completely unrelated to Panel De Pon's English release. If you wish to debate such matters, make a new topic regarding it.
Prof. Radikoff
« Reply #5 on: June 10, 2007, 04:42:09 pm »

So I guess professional translations should remove their company's logos and the translation credits from their games, too, right? Atlus, for example, only did they English translation for Super Robot Wars: Original Generation, but as soon as you turn on the game you're hit in the face with "property of Atlus" or some such. You're saying that makes the translation less "perfect", right? Or did I miss something?

I was refering to unofficial translations. Of course original games have to show all the logos of the involved companies.
I'm not saying it's a BAD thing, only that there are cases like the Bahamut Lagoon translations (or others) wich the hacking it's a bit too much intrusive. And as I say there's a lot of hackers who feel the same way. There's quite a lot of Genesis and Snes translations with no credits (or at the end, wich I like more).

Yeah, he should be happy that some asshat is making an obscene amount of money of his hundreds of hours of work. Good idea.

If someone wants to sell pirate games in Ebay it doesn't matter the translator has credits or not in the game. That was not my point.

Sorry Nightcrawler, you're right. This doesn't belong in this post.
« Reply #6 on: June 10, 2007, 05:38:22 pm »

There's quite a lot of Genesis and Snes translations with no credits (or at the end, wich I like more).

I agree with you here. I would much rather see the translation staff credited alongside the development staff at the end of the game, rather than a minute long opening before you even get to the title screen. But there's one thing that placing the credits at beginning does accomplish though. In the event that someone does buy a copy of it on ebay and sees that it is an unauthorized translation, they can report the seller so it doesn't happen again.

If someone wants to sell pirate games in Ebay it doesn't matter the translator has credits or not in the game. That was not my point.

Sorry if I jumped off the handle, but your post seemed to suggest you were condoning people like the Seiken Densetsu 3 guy. Wink
« Reply #7 on: June 10, 2007, 08:25:42 pm »

I'm not saying it's a BAD thing, only that there are cases like the Bahamut Lagoon translations (or others) wich the hacking it's a bit too much intrusive.

Just be glad DeJap didn't translate Der Langrisser ... or else you'd be looking at this:

We opted to put two quick splash screens, one indicating it's an English translation, another showing staff credits, then jumping into the game. I really didn't want to put the second screen there ... I put it there because of fuckhead pieces of shit like Cowering. Go thank him that we have our names in the intro.
« Reply #8 on: June 10, 2007, 08:33:35 pm »

Thankfully, d4s agreed with me that the "cracktro" credits screen for BoF2 needed changing. Now it's a brief "Watercrown Productions" logo...and yes, it uses the Watercrown emblem from DDS: Avatar Tuner 1, as well as a snippet of the game's music (you guessed it: "Watercrown" again, the piece that plays just before the final battle).
« Reply #9 on: June 10, 2007, 08:44:37 pm »

You know, I really don't have a problem with someone putting a name, or a nickname or whatnot in the game- as long as it's a quality translation. A good, quality piece of translation work takes a hell of a long time to do- and these people do it for free. And because of that, the end result, by and large, becomes more than it was; it becomes representative of the effort the individual put into it. So, if they want to put a big logo of themselves or an animated tomato, that doesn't bother me at all. I'm just glad we get a translation in the first place.
« Reply #10 on: June 10, 2007, 09:32:27 pm »

Quote from: Daniel on June 10, 2007, 08:44:37 pm
You know, I really don't have a problem with someone putting a name, or a nickname or whatnot in the game- as long as it's a quality translation. A good, quality piece of translation work takes a hell of a long time to do- and these people do it for free. And because of that, the end result, by and large, becomes more than it was; it becomes representative of the effort the individual put into it. So, if they want to put a big logo of themselves or an animated tomato, that doesn't bother me at all. I'm just glad we get a translation in the first place.

Here Here :beer:

I would, however, like to see more and more translations have the contributors in the ending credits. It makes me even more proud to beat a fan translated game when I see their names in credits.

But as Byuu so elegantly said,
I put it there because of fuckhead pieces of shit like Cowering
, this is very important so
fuckhead pieces of shit like Cowering
can't profit off of somebody elses work.

In a nutshell, ending credits is more professional and is a testament to the quality of work.
A brief and nonintrusive credit/intro/warning is necessary so
fuckhead pieces of shit like Cowering
can't profit off of the contributors hard work.

With that out of the way, it's now time to add a little to this issue.

Nightcrawler had added a sprite of himself in his WOZZ translation. AGTP is adding a pun in his deluxe 2.0 of Live-A-Live.I really like these cameos that do not intrude onto the game experience; it gives more (to me) completeness and a sense of proud ownership (take that you capitalist pigs) that is generously free.

Would it be better(certainly more creative) if instead of having a splash intro/warning/credit, a subliminal or cameo was made in the game to illustrate whatever the message is across?
« Reply #11 on: June 10, 2007, 09:50:50 pm »

For BL, we were really worried about evil pirates selling our stuff, so DF wanted to try to make it obvious it wasn't official. He also made those graphics just a tad bit harder to mess with. Around that time, we heard about J2E's FF4 getting sold in SE Asia, and maybe a few other games too.

The graphics wouldn't have been so crazy had we all been one single group too  Tongue

I never really followed the whole cowering thing, but it definitely sounds unfun.

EDIT: Although I don't think I was officially a DeJap member, I did wind up translating about 100 KB of Der Langrisser back in 2001/2002 for DF for dboy. I think that was how I convinced DF to help with BL. Not sure my work wound up being used (I doubt it) but there you go.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2007, 10:08:01 pm by Tomato »
Kitsune Sniper
« Reply #12 on: June 10, 2007, 09:52:32 pm »

Some of my hacks in progress have intros, contributed by other folks. I just wish I remembered who did so I could credit them right now... I'm too lazy to look up the emails. >_>

And Samurai Pizza Cats is the only game I've hacked that will allow me to insert a complete credit list. For once.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2007, 10:05:36 pm by Kitsune Sniper »
« Reply #13 on: June 10, 2007, 10:55:41 pm »

But as Byuu so elegantly said,

Really, my problem with Cowering is more the way he responded to my polite request to remove my translations from his list. He basically responded along the lines of, "Fuck you, I'll do whatever the fuck I want, asshole."

I was very upset with him in the past, but I'm really over it now. I'm just having fun in my own way with him now. He knows GoodSNES is dead and superceded by NSRT already. It certainly irks me that the very important readme files and manuals are being lost on pre-patched ROMs, but that's only a minor complaint. I don't really care that he isn't profiting. That's all the more reason he should honor our requests, or at least be polite when explaining that he won't. Anyway, I'm sorry for dragging that out over here. It's off topic.

For BL, we were really worried about evil pirates selling our stuff, so DF wanted to try to make it obvious it wasn't official. He also made those graphics just a tad bit harder to mess with.

Hehe ... yeah, I'm just poking at you guys in good fun ... but you have to admit ... it's pretty funny when you have to visibly look for the game's title on the screen ;)
Our DL second intro screen was kind of gaudy, too ...

EDIT: Although I don't think I was officially a DeJap member, I did wind up translating about 100 KB of Der Langrisser back in 2001/2002 for DF for dboy. I think that was how I convinced DF to help with BL. Not sure my work wound up being used (I doubt it) but there you go.

D believes you were most likely working on Langrisser II's scripts. But if you did anything for Der Langrisser, we never received it. We wouldn't have had a problem using it, and would have given you proper credit ... we just never received the work. I'm very sorry if your work went to waste. It was not our intention.


Anyway, Prof. Radikoff, for what it's worth ... I listened to your advice. We have removed the intro credit screen from Der Langrisser and will be posting version 1.01 shortly which reflects this change.

This is the new intro, the only screen shown:

The only reason for the intro staff credits screen was to allow the credits to be seen for people who download pre-patched ROMs off ROM sites. But that's no excuse to make our product unprofessional.
Kitsune Sniper
« Reply #14 on: June 10, 2007, 11:12:48 pm »

Quote from: byuu on June 10, 2007, 10:55:41 pm
Anyway, Prof. Radikoff, for what it's worth ... I listened to your advice. We have removed the intro credit screen from Der Langrisser and will be posting version 1.01 shortly which reflects this change.

This is the new intro, the only screen shown:

The only reason for the intro staff credits screen was to allow the credits to be seen for people who download pre-patched ROMs off ROM sites. But that's no excuse to make our product unprofessional.

You shouldn't. Several "professional" game releases HAVE intro screens. In fact, most of 'em do these days.

I don't mind those intros. They're better than not knowing who did the hack.
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