Well, I'm a noob at Hacking Roms, and I'm just wondering how easy it would be to Hack Megaman Battle Network 3 White so that:
A) You get the chips Bowlman V1,V2,V3 and V4 as starting chips at the beginning of the game, therefore giveing you their data in the data library (preferable).
B) You start the game with the above mentioned chip in your data library (probably harder).
C) You automatically get the PURPLE star when you beat the game.
I want to be able to do this so I can fully beat the game with all stars on my Flash Cartridge, as it has dodgy save transfer.
So, would this be simple, or really hard?
If it's possible, could someone give me tips on how to do it?
Also, which program would I use to do this?
From what I know, it would pretty much involve replacing 4 of the chips you get at the start of the game with these 4 chips.