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Author Topic: FF3USME Help  (Read 773 times)
« on: April 13, 2007, 05:35:05 pm »

I just got the latest version of FF3USME, but when I go to use any of the editors, none of the names or graphics show, all I see is a blue square where the names of enemies and spells should be. And the enemy graphics dont show. Is it better just to use an earlier version? I'd really like to expand the rom...
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2007, 05:44:36 pm »

I'd go with an older version, there's something wrong with the newest (Has anyone contacted Lord J about this yet?).
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2007, 09:49:21 pm »

If Mnrogar's hadn't gone down he might already know about the problem. However, I don't think he's checking his email anymore since he still hasn't replied to the one I sent him at least 6 or 7 months ago.

For now, use v6.31
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2007, 10:23:45 am »

Okay, I'll stick with that then. By the way, I've seen several hacks out there with enemies that have way more than 65000 hp? How is that possible? I'm making sort of a hard type hack and that would be really helpful to know.
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2007, 11:20:44 am »

There are two different tricks; one is to make a monster have multiple 'forms' using the same sprite, and the other is to hack the game to have 24-bit HP values.
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2007, 11:34:12 am »

Wait, since when are there 24 bit in values just over 65000? That's 16 bit easily.


« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2007, 05:29:35 pm »

Quote from: Aerdan on April 14, 2007, 11:20:44 am
There are two different tricks; one is to make a monster have multiple 'forms' using the same sprite, and the other is to hack the game to have 24-bit HP values.

You can also make a HP-Loop, making the monster reset it's HP when it reaches a certain level.. don't remember exactly how though, been awhile.
« Reply #7 on: April 20, 2007, 01:20:30 pm »

How do you use enemy molds above 15? The mold I want to use is mold 48...

It ends up looking like this.

« Reply #8 on: April 20, 2007, 01:28:36 pm »

Hmmmm... Reminds me of the "special mutant monsters" from my Zelda LTTP Master Quest hack...

Are you trying to make one of the enemies into those Aqua Team Hunger force things? O_o
« Reply #9 on: April 20, 2007, 01:31:49 pm »

Fixed it  Wink

Yeah, that was the goal. Just sort of a test enemy to get a feel for the sprite editor tool.
« Reply #10 on: April 20, 2007, 02:23:41 pm »

Quote from: ThingsWillBeDifferent on April 20, 2007, 01:20:30 pm
How do you use enemy molds above 15? The mold I want to use is mold 48...
There is no mold 48. And the molds the formations and monsters use are completely seperate of each other and in no way related other than name. One thing you should note about that Narshe raid though, the Magitek armor adds on to VRAM useage, so if you have too big of monsters or are using a mold that eats up a lot of VRAM then the armor is going to show up as part of the enemy. This is why most formations for that segment use molds 0 and 8. Here's the notes about the formation mould data:

Pointers to monster formation size templates

C2/D01A: 34 D0
C2/D01C: 44 D0
C2/D01E: 5C D0
C2/D020: 64 D0
C2/D022: 6C D0
C2/D024: 78 D0
C2/D026: 84 D0
C2/D028: 88 D0
C2/D02A: A0 D0
C2/D02C: B0 D0
C2/D02E: B4 D0
C2/D030: C8 D0
C2/D032: DC D0

Monster formation size templates

Template 0:

C2/D034: 00 00 08 08  Enemy 1: 64 x 64
C2/D038: 00 01 08 08  Enemy 2: 64 x 64
C2/D03C: 00 10 08 08  Enemy 3: 64 x 64
C2/D040: 00 11 08 08  Enemy 4: 64 x 64

Template 1:

C2/D044: 00 00 08 08  Enemy 1: 64 x 64
C2/D048: 00 01 08 08  Enemy 2: 64 x 64
C2/D04C: 00 10 04 04  Enemy 3: 32 x 32
C2/D050: 80 10 04 04  Enemy 4: 32 x 32
C2/D054: 00 11 04 04  Enemy 5: 32 x 32
C2/D058: 80 11 04 04  Enemy 6: 32 x 32

Template 2:

C2/D05C: 00 00 0C 08  Enemy 1: 96 x 64
C2/D060: 00 10 0C 08  Enemy 2: 96 x 64

Template 3:

C2/D064: 00 00 08 10  Enemy 1: 64 x 128
C2/D068: 00 01 08 10  Enemy 2: 64 x 128

Template 4:

C2/D06C: 00 00 0C 08  Enemy 1: 96 x 64
C2/D070: 00 10 08 08  Enemy 2: 64 x 64
C2/D074: 00 11 08 08  Enemy 3: 64 x 64

Template 5:

C2/D078: 00 00 08 10  Enemy 1: 64 x 128
C2/D07C: 00 01 08 08  Enemy 2: 64 x 64
C2/D080: 00 11 08 08  Enemy 3: 64 x 64

Template 6:

C2/D084: 00 00 10 10  Enemy 1: 128 x 128

Template 7:

C2/D088: 00 00 0C 0C  Enemy 1: 96 x 96
C2/D08C: 80 01 04 0C  Enemy 2: 32 x 96
C2/D090: 00 18 04 04  Enemy 3: 32 x 32
C2/D094: 80 18 04 04  Enemy 4: 32 x 32
C2/D098: 00 19 04 04  Enemy 5: 32 x 32
C2/D09C: 80 19 04 04  Enemy 6: 32 x 32

Template 8:

C2/D0A0: 00 00 08 08  Enemy 1: 64 x 64
C2/D0A4: 00 10 08 08  Enemy 2: 64 x 64
C2/D0A8: 00 01 04 08  Enemy 3: 32 x 64
C2/D0AC: 00 11 04 08  Enemy 4: 32 x 64

Template 9:

C2/D0B0: 00 00 0C 0C  Enemy 1: 96 x 96

Template 10:

C2/D0B4: 00 00 08 0C  Enemy 1: 64 x 96
C2/D0B8: 00 01 04 08  Enemy 2: 32 x 64
C2/D0BC: 00 11 04 08  Enemy 3: 32 x 64
C2/D0C0: 00 18 04 04  Enemy 4: 32 x 32
C2/D0C4: 80 18 04 04  Enemy 5: 32 x 32

Template 11:

C2/D0C8: 00 00 04 08  Enemy 1: 32 x 64
C2/D0CC: 80 00 04 08  Enemy 2: 32 x 64
C2/D0D0: 00 01 04 08  Enemy 3: 32 x 64
C2/D0D4: 00 11 04 08  Enemy 4: 32 x 64
C2/D0D8: 00 10 08 08  Enemy 5: 64 x 64

Template 12:

C2/D0DC: 00 00 08 08  Enemy 1: 64 x 64
C2/D0E0: 00 01 08 08  Enemy 2: 64 x 64
C2/D0E4: 00 10 04 08  Enemy 3: 32 x 64
C2/D0E8: 80 10 04 08  Enemy 4: 32 x 64
C2/D0EC: 00 11 04 08  Enemy 5: 32 x 64
C2/D0F0: 80 11 04 08  Enemy 6: 32 x 64

I tried expanding these once, however that was almost a year ago and my knowledge of 65816 assembly was quite limited at the time. Assassin and drakken were quite patient with my inexperience at the time. Assassin did figure out a way to expand them, but the initial limitations wouldn't allow what I was hoping for. I'd link you to that discussion, but the post at Mnrogar's and the board itself went on a hiatus. It's basically a bunch of VRAM hacking.

I hope some of this helps.
« Reply #11 on: April 20, 2007, 11:40:58 pm »

Oh, It definitely helped. I know how to use the moulds now. Thanks!

Now, if somebody could walk me through getting the enemies higher hps than 65535, that would be great.

Or if someone could explain the "Ignore Defense Cancel" mentioned on MasterZed's site.

It would really help make battles like this cooler:

Alternatively I could crank up his m defense and make Ultima not ignore it.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2007, 01:47:45 am by ThingsWillBeDifferent »
« Reply #12 on: April 21, 2007, 09:01:47 am »

Quote from: ThingsWillBeDifferent on April 20, 2007, 11:40:58 pm
Now, if somebody could walk me through getting the enemies higher hps than 65535, that would be great.

The easiest way is definentily the HP-Loop.. come one, someone has to have it around here, right? Damn, why didn't I save that piece of code. It's real short and easy.

Edit: Found it.. MazterZed's writing.
"Ever programmed a loop in any language before?  That's pretty much the same concept here.  Here's an example using variable 00:
Code Sample
FC 12 00 00 F5 00 00 00 F8 00 81 FC 0D 00 ?? F5 0C 01 FF FE


FC 12 00 00: If self is dead...
F5 00 00 00: Revive and restore HP of self (no animation)
F8 00 81:    Add 1 to variable 00
FC 0D 00 ??: If variable 00 is more than or equal to ??...
F5 0C 01 FF: Kill all monsters (boss death animation)
FE:          End if

The reason I used 00 is because it serves no specific purpose and can be used freely without affecting the game."
« Last Edit: April 21, 2007, 10:46:45 am by Jishuku »
« Reply #13 on: April 21, 2007, 11:21:37 am »

Quote from: Tauwasser on April 14, 2007, 11:34:12 am
Wait, since when are there 24 bit in values just over 65000? That's 16 bit easily.

65535 is exactly 16 bits, sorry.
« Reply #14 on: April 21, 2007, 01:04:47 pm »

Thanks Jishuku XD Now I can really make badasses.

Well, it works most of the time , but SOMETIMES it seems to glitch and the monster will die anyway.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2007, 05:26:10 pm by ThingsWillBeDifferent »
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