I think most of you think it's a complete waste of time to translate something in a language like German, but English is atm the only foreign laguage that I speak, anyhow I like romhacking. Further I like to enhance my English skills, 'cause I like this language.
Now to my problem:
The text / grafics are uncompressed as far as I see, except for the font.
I allready used the PSX debugger of Agemo and made a gpu upload break.
This way I was able to locate, when the uncompressed Font is written into the vram (via the vram viewer I was able to look this up).
I know that it is a 4 bit tile data.
And I got this informations:
8016d2e8 : SW 01000201 (a0), 0000 (1f8010a8 (v0)) [1f8010a8]
Now I dumped the ram and disassembled it. And looked to the adress, where I found this:
L16d2a0: ; 8016D2A0
8016D2A0 beq s4, zero, L16d2ec [$8016d2ec]
8016D2A4 lui v1, $0400
8016D2A8 lui v0, $8018
8016D2AC lw v0, $c3cc(v0)
8016D2B0 ori v1, v1, $0002
8016D2B4 sw v1, $0000(v0)
8016D2B8 lui v0, $8018
8016D2BC lw v0, $c3d0(v0)
8016D2C0 lui a0, $0100
8016D2C4 sw s2, $0000(v0)
8016D2C8 sll v0, s4, $10
8016D2CC lui v1, $8018
8016D2D0 lw v1, $c3d4(v1)
8016D2D4 ori v0, v0, $0010
8016D2D8 sw v0, $0000(v1)
8016D2DC lui v0, $8018
8016D2E0 lw v0, $c3d8(v0)
8016D2E4 ori a0, a0, $0201
8016D2E8 sw a0, $0000(v0)
Now I wonder what I could do as a next step (I'm learning r3000a asm at the moment) and if i did everything right so far.8016D2A0 beq s4, zero, L16d2ec [$8016d2ec]
8016D2A4 lui v1, $0400
8016D2A8 lui v0, $8018
8016D2AC lw v0, $c3cc(v0)
8016D2B0 ori v1, v1, $0002
8016D2B4 sw v1, $0000(v0)
8016D2B8 lui v0, $8018
8016D2BC lw v0, $c3d0(v0)
8016D2C0 lui a0, $0100
8016D2C4 sw s2, $0000(v0)
8016D2C8 sll v0, s4, $10
8016D2CC lui v1, $8018
8016D2D0 lw v1, $c3d4(v1)
8016D2D4 ori v0, v0, $0010
8016D2D8 sw v0, $0000(v1)
8016D2DC lui v0, $8018
8016D2E0 lw v0, $c3d8(v0)
8016D2E4 ori a0, a0, $0201
8016D2E8 sw a0, $0000(v0)
sorry for my bad english^^ but how I wrote above I try to get better.
greaz Flashware