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Author Topic: How would I go about dumping text from a PSX game?  (Read 762 times)
« on: March 17, 2007, 04:04:52 pm »

Theres a PSX game called Gunner's Heaven that i'm playing, but the bosses spout some text right before you fight them and it'd be nice to know what their saying. There was a PAL version of the game called Rapid Reload which had the text translated to english, but I cant really play it properly on my PSP because it has huge black borders on the top and bottom of the screen, as is the case with all PAL PSX games. The Japanese version also has voice acting, which is a nice little (useless, kinda) extra.

Is there a way to dump the text from the english version and insert it into the japanese version? Or even to just dump the text and save it to a text document or somthing? Thanks.
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2007, 09:56:24 pm »

I know this is no help at all, but you have to understand that it completely depends on the game. It's almost certainly possible to do what you're suggesting, but the method can vary enormously from one game to the next. There's no standard method of storing text in a PS1 game.
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2007, 04:18:35 am »

I am currently translating a Japanese PSP game, which would probably be similar.
I would suggest you open the whole UNCOMPRESSED ISO in a good Hex Editor.
Then, Search for text you know to be common in the game, or even text that is visable
at the same screen (Battle Screen?) THE example would be to search for
 "Sword" "word" "S*w*o*r*d" and "w*o*r*d" in a game involving swords.
* being a wildcard, make sure your Hex Editor supports wildcards also as * is very highly
used in rom hack/translating. If this doesnt work, do a "Relative Search".
Once you find the text for something around what you're looking for, try either replacing
the whole file the text is in with the same file from the PAL version and see if it runs
without crashing, or simply type the missing text over the garbled text you are trying
to replace. (Keep the same amount of letters, to start, if you need more letters and the
first test worked, try adding a few more as long as it doesnt bump into another "string",
and see if it STILL works heh. If not you need to figure out your games pointer system
if you still care that much. Otherwise fit Knife over Sword and live with the 5 letters god
gave you! (Ex.)
Hope this helps.

Reply only if you have perserverence please as most folks here are quite busy bringing
old games to new minds.


 :angel: Grin
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2007, 11:03:32 am »

Wow...That seems like quite a task :-/. I'll look into it later for sure though. Thanks.
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2007, 09:59:07 pm »

If you can find a French friend to translate, you might try these guys:


After trying to figure it out at the Compendium, we noticed they had translated Chrono Cross and just asked for and received the Chrono Cross script from them. Sort of cheap, but we had utterly given up at that point on trying to extract it ourselves.
« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2007, 06:32:14 pm »

Quote from: Zeality on March 24, 2007, 09:59:07 pm
just asked for and received the Chrono Cross script from them.
Including the rare Japanese script?
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