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Author Topic: Rom Hack for $$$ ?  (Read 2393 times)
Dr. Floppy
« Reply #45 on: March 23, 2007, 02:43:27 pm »

<< But yeah, I wouldn't mind paying $100 for a hack to be finished, hell I'd pay even $200. I'd give DahrkDaiz that cash if that woulda give'im inspiration to finish Luigi vs. Mario. >>

...and I'd be similarly generous if someone could orient me towards the pointer locations of the "Missing Levels" in SMB3.

I've long wondered about the ethical and legal ramifications of Bounty Hacking. I've always likened ROM hacking itself to "going-46-in-the-45," when friends/family inquire as to the legality of my hobby. Yeah, it's technically unlawful, but not in a way that hurts/defrauds anyone or gets you arrested/locked up.

Perhaps Bounty Hacking adds a few more proverbial mph to the allusion. It's similarly hard to prove/catch those in the act, as renumeration could be made in a myriad of discrete ways.  "Help me out with my Esperanto translation of Blast Crap 27, and I'll sell you this rectangular portrait of Andy Jackson for five bucks!"
« Reply #46 on: March 23, 2007, 04:32:36 pm »

I'd even go so far to say that with a good lawyer, a case based solely on the fact that your translation patch is an unlawful translation, you'd get off on a technicality. This law has never been applied nor challenged in court with a ROM translation patch which is essentially a software patch for private use rather than a translation of a literary work.

It's like those stupid laws from 200 years ago in certain local states and towns. Are those things really illegal if nobody has ever been prosecuted for doing them? I suppose in a technical sense, it is, but for all practical purposes, it's as legal as breathing free air.

And for the love of God, how the hell are you even supposed to find who holds the copyrights to certain properties such as classic games? I know one time I found out about a company that was liquidating assets and properties were up for public auction. I'm sure this has happened a few times in the past. Now that I'm an adult, I'd seriously consider purchasing the rights to some properties.
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