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Author Topic: Script Dumping Best Practices?  (Read 321 times)
« on: March 07, 2007, 06:14:47 pm »


I've only been romhacking again for the first time in years since Monday and had no real prior script dumping experience. I've looked around and haven't really seen any documents devoted to script dumping though basically understand it like this - You can just jump into romjuice, tell it the rom, a table, the starting and ending address, and what to call the dump and boom you've got one.  I've done this and had success but was wondering before I go gung ho and start trying to dump the whole sucker... what's the best practices? And by that I mean... what do you advanced hackers do during this stage of the process? Do you setup tables in any sort of certain way? Do you set it up in a specific way to make insertion much easier down the road? How do you know you've actually dumped all the text? Do you just develop an eye for that sort of thing or is there a technique to telling the garbage from the actual dialog and menu items? I'm just really trying to avoid any unnecessary pitfalls down the road.

« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2007, 06:24:32 pm »

To catch all the text, I like to dump from the first string in the pointer table to the end of string control code of the last string in the pointer table. Find the the last string (usually the one right before the text begins), go there in rom and then search down for the end of string control code. There ya go. That should grab all of the text in that particular block.

I also try to skim through the dump and check for any stray <$XX> hex codes that I haven't figured out and see if I can't do something with them. In general though, I like to try to emulate the way the strings are displayed in-game as much as possible.

One way to see if your dump is easy to work with is to "translate" a few of the strings (change to English text) and insert them. If things go smoothly now, you can be pretty certain they will later when it's time for the real insertion. Of course, after you get some practice and experience with having other people work with the dumps under your belt, you'll start develop an idea of what is smoothest for both you and your translator to deal with.

That's another thing, let your translator tell you want he thinks of the dump before he starts on it. Usually, they'll be spending way more time with the script dump than you are, so it pays for it to be easy for them to read and work with. Smiley
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2007, 06:37:39 pm »

Just don't do the same mistake I did - think of inserting already when you dump. Nothing is worse than having tons of extra work because you can't insert easily. If you're game doesn't use overly fancy stuff you'll be easily able to insert the scripts with Atlas. So I suggest you take a look at that and make the dumps in a way that you can easily insert them with it afterwards.
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2007, 10:19:57 pm »

Makes sense, thanks a lot!

My big trick now will be how to deal with Itadaki Street's font moving all over the place hex wise. The intro has the characters in one spot, the levels have it in another, and each level also moves 5 or 6 characters around throughout... it's really odd not sure why they did it. I'm guessing I'll just have to make multiple tables which I'm working on and then somehow figuring out when each is used to get a good dump. Won't be hard to keep the english values consistent when I re-insert but the japanese... eesh.
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