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Author Topic: Illusion of Gaia tables finding and helps  (Read 1555 times)
« Reply #15 on: February 27, 2007, 12:34:40 pm »

You're going to get a mixed opinion on this one. There are benefits to both methods. I generally dump text in blocks the way it was in the game. If the game has 20 text blocks, I have 20 script files etc. It's easier to debug and manage that way for me. Most of the time the translators don't have a preference, so I just go with that.

It also depends on your insertion method. If you've got something that can insert from one big file great, but if you don't, it may be easier to insert individual blocks. ALWAYS consider insertion when you're dumping. So many people end up with headaches later because they don't even think about insertion at that time. You need to dump the script in a way you're sure you will be able to get back in without problems.
Mew seeker
« Reply #16 on: February 27, 2007, 01:04:21 pm »

Maybe it's a good thing I named the dumps according to their data location. : P
Anyway, at worse, I guess I'll redump some parts of the script. X D
I'm gonna be busy for a while. X D
« Reply #17 on: February 27, 2007, 02:45:46 pm »

When it comes to dumping/reinserting, what program is considered the "standard"? I never really thought about that either, so all I did was dump scripts and such using Thingy32. I assume that's probably not a very good method.

Mew seeker
« Reply #18 on: March 01, 2007, 11:59:16 am »

I'm still a alive. ^^
And lucky too. From what I have seen, the text in Illusion of Gaia doesn't seem to be compressed at all.
Anyway, I finished dumping up to the Undersea tunnel. Things are advancing. ^^
Eien Ni Hen
« Reply #19 on: March 01, 2007, 09:52:09 pm »

From what I have seen, the text in Illusion of Gaia doesn't seem to be compressed at all.

That's a definite plus.  I took a look at the Illusion of Gaia English script a few years ago and I remember it using a dictionary.   I'm glad the Japanese version doesn't do that.  Happy script dumping.  ^^
Mew seeker
« Reply #20 on: March 02, 2007, 07:20:45 pm »

There. I have finished working on the script dumps.
Hopefully, I haven't missed anything important or made too many mistakes. ^^;
In any case, if anyone is interested in working on a retranslation or just having a look,
just leave me an email and I will send you... well, everything. : )

One thing that bugged me :
I couldn't find the credits text in the data. Maybe it was compressed?
Maybe it used some kind of weird unknown font? Maybe it was a image file instead of a text one?
Or maybe I messed up there? X D
But in any case, the credits are written in English so there shouldn't be any important consequences.

Also, there was a bit of compression in the text.
When you're granted a new attack, the same text is reused.
There's a hole for the attack name to be inserted.
The attack names are a bit further in the data.
That the only compression I noticed while looking for text.

And that's about it. ^^
Eien Ni Hen
« Reply #21 on: March 02, 2007, 10:03:13 pm »

Hmm, I took a look at your script dump.  It's good for a first try, but let me give you a couple of pointers from a potential translator's perspective.

1)You need less files.  The largest amount of files I've ever worked with (Emerald Dragon) was ~300, and it was a pain in the ass to keep them all straight.  Judging by the game's script size, I'd suggest somewhere between 5-10 files.  You might split them up into even sizes, by data location, or (not likely) order of appearance in the game.  None the less, you need to cut down the number of files and convert your script files to SJIS to make them more accessible for your translator.

2)You're going to need a bit more formatting to make it look all pretty.  Even the most experienced translator has trouble reading a script with rampant control codes, no line breaks, and no margins.

3)The only actual error I noticed in the dump was the absence of katakana.  This may not seem like a big deal, but substituting hiragana for katakana can be very confusing for a translator.  If nothing else, you definitely need to correct this.

Please don't take these criticisms too harshly.  I appreciate you letting me see your work and I'm quite interested in helping with this project.  As always, happy dumping.  Grin
« Last Edit: March 02, 2007, 10:11:30 pm by Eien Ni Hen »
Mew seeker
« Reply #22 on: March 02, 2007, 11:23:35 pm »

Less files? Better take that in note for an eventual next time. But how will I fuse them now?
Formatting and no control codes? Now you tell me. ; )
About Katakana, I didn't know how to implent it as there was a code that switch the the character in Katakana.
It would be nice if someone could tell me how to deal with that kind of situation.
In any case, writing the katakana won't be difficult, just long. X D
And I tought I was over. X D
Anyway, I'll be doing a bit of formatting

Please don't take these criticisms too harshly.

Please don't take my whining too badly. ^^
Mew seeker
« Reply #23 on: March 29, 2007, 09:25:44 pm »

Hi. There's nothing new. Sorry. ^^;
Somehow, my attention got unto other things for the current time.
I'm afraid I won't work on it for now. X D
I intend to continue it eventually but it might take a while.
Anyway, I tought you guys might want to know even tought I'm sure you had probably figured it out by now. ^^;
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