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Author Topic: Kanji in Tables.  (Read 1393 times)
« Reply #15 on: February 21, 2007, 04:29:22 pm »

Quote from: DarknessSavior on February 21, 2007, 02:05:02 pm
That's kinda what I was gonna do. Figure out how to get the kanji pieced together and then show it to Suzaku, so he can tell me what each of the Kanji is. That way when I encounter a Kanji in the script, I can go "Oh! That value means (insert Kanji word here)".
Better idea: write a program for dumping and reinserting that font, then take Chrono Compendium's already complete table and avoid Suzaku wasting time of something totally useless. Wink
Gideon Zhi
« Reply #16 on: February 21, 2007, 04:30:43 pm »

Quote from: Gemini on February 21, 2007, 04:29:22 pm
then take Chrono Compendium's already complete table and avoid Suzaku wasting time of something totally useless. Wink

More time for SRW Alpha!
« Reply #17 on: February 22, 2007, 09:03:26 am »

Yeah, I was thinking of that, but learning to make the table myself will better my hacking abilities anyway (you know, the whole argument about hosting .tbl files that it would take away from the learning experience of actually MAKING them yourself? This is just a bigger pain in the ass version of that.) I downloaded their script/table, and I have it in case I get COMPLETELY dead-ended. But I'd rather do the work myself.

That's just like saying that I should use their translators script translation and whatnot. It'd be better to be able to say we actually did the work ourselves, not that we stole it from somewhere else. >.<

Quote from: Gemini on February 21, 2007, 04:29:22 pm
Better idea: write a program for dumping and reinserting that font

Ha, yeah right. As I've mentioned in other threads, I don't know programming for beans. Anyone want to volunteer to make me a program for that? =P

Following Ryusui's advice, I got pretty close to having the font actually look legible. Instead of having the blocks be 2 columns and 2 rows (which made it even LESS legible) I made it one column and three rows, and this is what I have:

Screenshot 1

Screenshot 2

The second shot is for the Kanji. The problem is, those are three tile rows. This means that if I were to try to piece them together tile by tile, I'd have a portion of another character in each two-tile character. It's bad enough in the kana, I can only imagine what it'd look like in Kanji. >.<

Another issue is that while using the block size thing to look at those two portions, there are two OTHER portions that look like font that don't conform to the same formatting style as the other two shots I have. Here's a look:

Crazy Looking Crap 1

Crazy Looking Crap 2

Anyone know how to get the font (first two screens) to look fully complete (so I can edit them later, and have Suzaku tell me the Kanji), or know what the hell is in the second two screens? The top half of the first crazy screen looks like punctuation. The bottom half, I have no clue. >.<

Any help with this is greatly appreciated, apparently I picked one of the more complex games to hack as a first big project. But, I am going to figure it out, so help me god... =P

« Reply #18 on: February 22, 2007, 10:26:04 am »

Quote from: DarknessSavior on February 22, 2007, 09:03:26 am
you know, the whole argument about hosting .tbl files that it would take away from the learning experience of actually MAKING them yourself?
Yeah but:
Quote from: DarknessSavior
(so I can edit them later, and have Suzaku tell me the Kanji)
You need practice, not Suzaku. Again, this is just a complete waste of time.

or know what the hell is in the second two screens? The top half of the first crazy screen looks like punctuation. The bottom half, I have no clue. >.<
Why doesn't anybody ever read my posts about CT? Are they invisible or something?
Quote from: Gemini
It's just a 12x12 2bpp planar broke in 2 pieces (8x12+4x12).
Decoded font:

Encoded font in ROM:


For the last time: clear now!? >_<
« Reply #19 on: February 22, 2007, 10:39:36 am »

The whole "so I can edit them later" was the most important part of that sentence. I need to be able to edit them later on when I make an English Font and such. I know Suzaku doesn't need practice, that wasn't the point.

And I guess this whole font issue would have Nightcrawler pointing out that I don't understand how graphics are stored fully, again. >.<

As far as that goes, does that mean that the font in the first two screenshots is stored in the same fashion, and thats the reason the ends are cut off?


« Reply #20 on: February 22, 2007, 11:05:32 am »

You already know my response.  Wink
« Reply #21 on: March 06, 2007, 09:46:37 am »

Cute. Now that I understand how the font works, it makes it seem harder to work on.

Because the third piece of each character is basically half one character, and half another, how exactly can I get each of the characters to display completely so I can edit them? Probably no way to do that, eh? -.-

« Reply #22 on: March 06, 2007, 12:00:50 pm »

Are we still talking about Chrono Trigger?

With bit shifting you can separate the nibbles in a custom program, then you can view them. You won't be view them otherwise to my knowledge.
« Reply #23 on: March 06, 2007, 02:54:02 pm »

This comes down to the whole "custom program" thing again. -.-

Definitely going to happen at a later stage. I don't really have to worry about it anymore, now that I understand how to make the table the hard way, I'm just going to use the finished one. But at least I can now pick through almost any font, as long as it isn't setup as weird as CT is. =D

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