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Author Topic: Akumajyou Densetsu Patch Glitch: 2nd Quest  (Read 445 times)
Doc Robot
« on: February 17, 2007, 08:45:00 am »

Edit: It turns out the cause was on my end.  Somehow, I incorrectly patched the ROM.  More below.

Original Post:
I've found a rather annoying glitch in Vice Translations' Akumajyou Densetsu: Legend of Demon Castle translation patch...  It's graphical and relatively harmless, but really annoying nonetheless.  It happens when you walk through a door or sometimes just plain change screens.  What happens is, for whatever reason, the screen doesn't seem to remember to refresh itself, leaving junk tiles on the screen which, as stated, don't effect gameplay in any way, but are annoyingly there all the same.  This does not happen in an unpatched Japanese Akumajyou Densetsu ROM as you can see from the screenshots below.

Akumajyou Densetsu
Legend of Demon Castle

Now, this only happens when playing in "Second Quest" mode(IE, a second playthrough after beating the game once where there's more enemies and things get slightly harder).  Why?  I really don't know...  Otherwise, the patch works perfectly, aside from some rather odd spellings of certain words.(Not even necessarily typoes  Just things I'm not familiar with.)

Just thought you should know!
« Last Edit: February 17, 2007, 12:19:15 pm by Dokuroboto K-174 »
Kitsune Sniper
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2007, 09:44:57 am »


What emulator are you using? Send me a savestate. Upload it somewhere so I can get it and test this "glitch".
Doc Robot
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2007, 11:41:44 am »

In this order:
- FCE Ultra 0.98.12.
- No.  Because as it turns out, it seems to be something I did.  Not the patch...

Strangely enough, even with the semi-corrupt ROM I was previously using(I found another patched version and this one doesn't have that issue...), only FCE Ultra was doing that thing...  This leads me to believe that I somehow patched the ROM incorrectly or something else happened to that specific ROM which ended up somehow breaking it...

Sorry for the false alarm...  It didn't even occur to me that it was entirely on my end...  *sigh*
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