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Author Topic: Chrono Trigger Compression  (Read 993 times)
Gideon Zhi
« Reply #15 on: February 23, 2007, 06:31:34 pm »

Quote from: DarknessSavior on February 22, 2007, 08:43:06 am
I asked if a game can use multiple fonts? O.o I don't think I did. I think the question was "If a game USES two fonts, can they both have the same table values?". You answered that, though. That's kinda weird that they can.

Actually, it's not. Let's say you have the string, "You received <item>!" at the end of a battle, right? It displays in the normal dialogue font, however the text that <item> displays comes from the item list, which is primarily accessed by (for instance) the 8x8 fixed menu font. See what I'm saying here? If you're going to be accessing one piece of text data with multiple fonts, they'd better have the same table values.
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