so i've decided to start hacking at RoboWarrior again. i've cataloged MUCH more data in the rom (this time around i'm actually learning 6502 asm )
during cataloging i noticed an odd string that i'd never actually seen in-game, despite having played it through several times: "theme song" at 0x1a993.... so i fired up the debugger, and stepped around manually until i found a routine that accessed this address in ram (the routine starts at 0x1a973). this routine immediately BEQs to an RTS because A=0. i wondered what would happen if it didn't branch so i wrote 1 to 2F8 in ram and froze it, then reset. to my suprise, the normal title screen menu now had a new entry... "theme song". i'll be honest, i almost shit my pants when i saw it and found that i could actually arrow down to it and select it.
selecting it jumps into a credits-esque slideshow of jibberish with the level 1 theme song playing; it's only jibberish in RoboWarrior, if you do the same with a Bomberking rom it actually shows as japanese (at least i think it's japanese \ ). it scrolls through 9 screens of text (repeats over and over) with the 8th screen including an english tidbit: "Go for break out, Go for breakout". if anyone can interpret the rest and fill me in, that'd be great
anyhow, i just thought i would share my findings with the community. i'm pretty amazed that i was able to find it, but i'm not sure what it's good for or how to trigger it without cheating
if anyone knows anything about this, feel free to elaborate...