Okay Bearmon, since you PM'd me about it... [also, if this is considered off topic I'm sorry, someone of higher authority feel free to move it. I'm just using this quick explanation to show the basics in editing graphics so someone can edit a title screen.]
First, you want to download either
TLP or
YY-chr, depending on where your fanboyism lies [note: I'm gonna explain like you're using TLP, but as far as I know YY-chr can also do this]. Open your ROM up, and in the palette bar, open up format, and select GBA. I'm using Megaman Zero in this SS.

Now, scroll down the tiles until you see the title screen, or at the very least, a piece of it. If there is none available, then chances are you either missed it, which could easily happen considering the jumbled mess it will be, or the graphics for it are compressed. The latter was the case for this ROM, so I just found some graphics of Ciel to edit instead. If what you're looking for is compressed, that's a whole new can of worms I won't open in this thread.

So now I have the graphics in my sites. To make editing simpler, just left click on a tile you want, and drag it over to the window on the right. Keep doing so until the entire image is in there. Not only does that help you focus on what needs to be edited, but it also helps to un-jigsaw the tiles at some points.

Now the graphics are fully loaded in the window, and using the palettes bar, you can edit the image as you see fit. Note the odd colors of the bar, that's simply how TLP is viewing those graphics. In reality, all that is the hurrah of pinks, whites, and peaches that you see in game.