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Author Topic: Trying to hack the exact same game, but can't get the same results!  (Read 356 times)
Terranigma Freak
« on: December 28, 2006, 05:59:40 pm »

Recently, some people in Japan created a hard mode patch for Destiny of an Emperor 2 on the NES, and now I want to make something similar as well. Hell, it's pratically the exact samething (I'm basically hacking the same Japanese rom, except now there's an English patch applied on it)! I was able to hack the game a bit and figure a few things out, but I can't seem to duplicate what they did even after I found the correct values. For example: I was able to locate and confirm the HP values for the enemies, but for some reason, I can't seem to make the numbers go above 10,000. I even tested it out by entering the exact same hex values they did to try and get the same results, but I couldn't, yet somehow, the Japanese hackers were able to go as far as 65,0000 HP. I know I found the correct values because I managed to change the HP, I just can't break the 10,000 barrier.
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2006, 07:19:01 pm »

You got one too many zeroes there. It's 65,000, or more probably, 65,535.

See if there's a compare anywhere with 2710h (10,000). The Japanese hackers must have disabled a check the game performs to make sure max HP doesn't go over a certain value.
Terranigma Freak
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2006, 07:28:59 pm »

Yeah, sorry, I meant 65,000.

See if there's a compare anywhere with 2710h (10,000).

Sorry, I don't understand what you mean by that. I'm still just a newbie hacker using a hex editor.

If there is a lock, how do I go about finding this lock that prevents me from going over 10,000? I have the Japanese patch, but trying to figure it out from that is nearly impossible. Or impossible for someone of my skill level anyway.
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2006, 07:55:05 pm »

This is going to entail an ASM hack, meaning you are going to have to go into the game's program and rewrite things.

What the game is likely doing - assuming you have found the correct values - is checking to see if an HP value is higher than 10,000, which is 2710 in hex, and if so rounding it down to 10,000.

The good news is, if you have found the correct values in the ROM, you can set up a breakpoint in FCEUXD or another emulator with debugging functions to break when the game reads that particular value, and then you can trace the code to see what it does.
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