I'm trying to translate some menu text which is stored as a graphic for the Playstation game Brigandine Grand Edition.
It seems to be some non-standard 4bpp TIM format; at least it doesn't match klarth's TIM format breakdown. Its header has the TIM ID tag, and the tag for 4bpp, but where a 4bpp TIM should have a hex 10 to signify 16 colors per CLUT, it has hex 30, and though its header says it should have 16 CLUTS (by klarth's doc) TimViewer says it has 48.
Anyways, every TIM tool I've used extracts it intact (it's sandwiched with a traditional TIM) but if I try any conversion process, it gets corrupted (at least in part because the TIM tools give it the standard 4bpp TIM header).
Does anyone have any info or know of any reference materials about this format?
It is a different size than a lot of TIMs: