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Author Topic: Bikkuriman World  (Read 1075 times)
« on: December 09, 2006, 01:46:24 pm »

I've never posted here before, but you can find the ancient and pretty much worthless patch in the translations section of the site. I've come back to it, and started working on it again, from scratch.

I've taken some japanese classes since I last worked on it, but certain things are still proving to be above my knowledge. The entire game in in kana so there are no kanji to know the exact specific meaning immediately. Some of it may be unique, made up terms. Like the spells/skills are called りりょく (riryoku. ryoku means strength or power, but what does that leave for the ri put in front? There are like, 5 different kanji for ri, and some of those even have multiple meanings!

Some sort of power called がっせいパワー (Gassei Power). I know so far this cannot be used until you have both A) a 2nd part member and B) have learned at least one. But I have never seen the word Gassei before, and throwing that into a japanese<->english dictionary returns no results.

The same thing goes for some of the item/monster names, though the monster YamaOrochi was instantly recognized as Yamata no Orochi, a mythical 8-headed snake--NOT a hydra--known as just Orochi to english speakers.

the menus and windows also need some assembly work to expand them, but it's not entirely necessary. If I end up having to truncate and reword stuff to make it all fit into the rom itself, bigger windows are going to be a moot point. I'm currently working on translating the small stuff (menus, items, monsters), and I'll worry about finding any extra space in the rom if and when I need it.
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2006, 01:59:30 pm »


Now is better?
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2006, 02:33:25 pm »

Quote from: フェイタン on December 09, 2006, 01:59:30 pm

Now is better?

hrm. Thanks! That confirms that my translation of りりょく as just 'power' or 'powers' is as accurate as it's going to really get, especially with the space provided! (the base menu has a limit of 4 characters per menu item, so I could only fit Pwrs)

and those kanji for がっせい work well, as it fits the reasoning behind not being able to use them when you have no party members. and Holy/Saint certainly fits the two party members I've played through far enough to get. Saint Pheonix and Jyoujika Angel.

How to fit a somewhat descriptive word in place of it though. Team is too close to Party, which is already on the menu...Combine or Merge would work. Merge would be the least of an eyesore on the menu as Merg.

Edit: bingo! 4 letters and meaning is pretty similar! Link!
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2006, 03:25:24 pm »

Or Fuse.
« Reply #4 on: December 09, 2006, 05:30:50 pm »

Quote from: Ryusui on December 09, 2006, 03:25:24 pm
Or Fuse.

Dude, thank you. That's PERFECT o.o;"";

Feitan's contacted me over MSN and helped me quite a bit with this. It appears there is NO EMPTY SPACE in the rom. Which means I'm quite screwed. o.O

I'm gonna have to find ways to say things in as few letters as possible >.<
« Last Edit: December 09, 2006, 05:35:58 pm by ChimuKun »
« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2006, 05:37:00 pm »

Get RedComet to help. His Huffman work is nothing short of godly.

Patlabor for SNES also has NO FREE SPACE, but a little Huffman compression with RedComet's help fixed that problem for me. Now if I could only get the routine to work 100% of the time...XD
« Reply #6 on: December 09, 2006, 06:30:07 pm »

Quote from: Ryusui on December 09, 2006, 05:37:00 pm
Get RedComet to help. His Huffman work is nothing short of godly.

Patlabor for SNES also has NO FREE SPACE, but a little Huffman compression with RedComet's help fixed that problem for me. Now if I could only get the routine to work 100% of the time...XD

Huh. Now that I think about it, even DTE would help. Especially with the menus, where DTE would be the easiest to implement. (the menus use a similar method for dakuten/handakuten, dialogue just places the byte value for either of those two specific tiles before the affected kana.) Unfortunately, assembly is way beyond my ken, and where my previous foray into hacking this SOB 3 years ago caused me to give up.
« Reply #7 on: December 09, 2006, 06:38:21 pm »

DTE is probably the simplest to add. Adding Huffman to a game, while entirely worth it, is a fair amount of work. Well, it really depends on the game and whether Bandai's crack squad *grumbles* had anything to do with coding it or not. Tongue The truly hard part, imo, is the compressor, and I've already got that done (except for defining the pointer system).

I can't help right at the moment, but if you're interested I might be able to assist you with some asm level work later this month or the first of next month. The asm mods that really make a difference are so second nature to me at this point, I feel dirty if I don't help out other people. Smiley
« Reply #8 on: December 09, 2006, 08:44:34 pm »

Quote from: RedComet on December 09, 2006, 06:38:21 pm
I can't help right at the moment, but if you're interested I might be able to assist you with some asm level work later this month or the first of next month. The asm mods that really make a difference are so second nature to me at this point, I feel dirty if I don't help out other people. Smiley

Thanks for the offer. I'll keep that in mind. And you pretty much don't need to worry. Bikkuriman is copyright Hudson Soft, not Bandai.

I'll work with what I can at the moment, though at this point it's going to turn out rather similar to my attempt at this game 3 years ago. (But with a nicer font.)
« Reply #9 on: December 10, 2006, 12:02:04 am »

Please not the FF Advance font. Please not the FF Advance font. Please not the FF Advance font. Please not the FF Advance font. Tongue

(hopefully I can sometime get some time to help after I finish my final exams. I think I was the one that pointed it out. Cheesy )
« Reply #10 on: December 10, 2006, 01:25:22 pm »

Quote from: ChimuKun
Feitan's contacted me over MSN and helped me quite a bit with this. It appears there is NO EMPTY SPACE in the rom. Which means I'm quite screwed. o.O

I'm gonna have to find ways to say things in as few letters as possible >.<

This is the PC Engine version? Why not just expand the rom? Remove any copier header and add an additional 128k to the rom.

« Reply #11 on: December 10, 2006, 02:10:37 pm »

No, the NES version.
« Reply #12 on: December 10, 2006, 04:21:05 pm »

Yeah, the NES version. sorry, Why I didn't point that out in my first post I don't know. the PC Engine version's already been done.

This game is a completely different style, too.

Anyways, throughout my work on this, I sometimes want to praise the programmers, while at other times SHOOT them for their use of any and all free space in the entire rom. In the file menu, they had New Journey and Continue Journey as three strings. One string contained 'Journey' while the other two contained New/Continue respectively grouped with a 1 byte pointer to the string containing 'Journey'. That's a smart space saving move. But then....WHY in the name of everything good and holy did I just have to replace 15-20 'hai iie' lines that were COMPLETELY IDENTICAL with 'Yes No'?!  Tongue

I just might take all the pointers to those and point them all the the same 'Yes No' line just to see what happens. But not right now though, I gotta head off to work.

If I change all those pointers and they still work, then all that space it'll free up will make me gidd--awwwww CRAP. They aren't seperate strings, they're attached to the same string as the question that is answered...


Quote from: KingMike on December 10, 2006, 12:02:04 am
Please not the FF Advance font. Please not the FF Advance font. Please not the FF Advance font. Please not the FF Advance font. Tongue

(hopefully I can sometime get some time to help after I finish my final exams. I think I was the one that pointed it out. Cheesy )

*blink* Somehow, I saw that harry foot avatar and the name didn't register until just now. Yo!

Yeah, you had Bikkuriman World listed on this page full of untranslated RPGs that you thought deserved one. At one point the page still existed, but it was no longer linked to from your main page. As I lost the link, I don't know if it still exists. XP

And for your information, no. It doesn't use the FFTA font. Bikkuriman's font isn't even a VWF >.<
« Last Edit: December 10, 2006, 08:17:52 pm by ChimuKun »
« Reply #13 on: December 12, 2006, 12:41:51 am »

I hate to double post (that's why I edited my previous post like that.) But, y'know, this IS kind of an update. I got the Church and Item Shop redone. Dear god, I never ever EVER want to go through that crap again. Egads! So many sentence fragments connected by single byte pointers! (two bytes if you count the 0x82 in front, which is a special character indicating the following byte is a pointer placed within the string. I also had to move around quite a few pointers in the pointer tables to line up enough (somehow free) space to get intelligible sentences. Which makes me glad I made a Pointer Calculator Utility in Visual Basic this afternoon. They're not hard to calculate by hand, but the calculator simplifies the four step process into just typing in an offset and I get my pointer.

I'd probably have it easier by dumping the banks of text, but since there's pretty much no room in the rom to expand, taking the script out of the confines of the rom is a bit risky.
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