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Author Topic: Translation request, but not a game  (Read 513 times)
« on: December 06, 2006, 05:36:19 pm »

Can anyone translate these song titles (from Castle Fantasia 2)?
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2006, 07:52:26 pm »

1. Atsui Kodou Kanjite - Feeling the Hot Beat
2. Saishuu Kessen - The Final Battle
6. Tatakai no Toki - Time To Fight
8. Ashita he no Tatakai - Battle Into Tomorrow
10. Dai-Shichi Seibutai - The Seventh Holy Corps
11. Bojou - Longing
15. Sakubou no Jidai - Era of Machinations
17. The Dust of War
20. Atsui Kodou Kanjite (Full) - Feeling the Hot Beat (Full)
21. Senjou ni Kakeru Hashi - The Bridge Over The Battleground
23. Kaze - Wind

P.S. I have to confess, "Sakubou" came out in my dictionary as "strategy" or "artifice", but neither sounded right...however, I arrived at "machination" through what must no doubt be an intentional joke in the .hack//G.U. series. A character named Sakubo, played by a pair of twins, turns out to be an Epitaph User with the power of one of the Eight Phases. Their Avatar is Gorre, "The Machinator". (All the phases have titles like that: "Skeith, the Terror of Death", for one.)
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