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Author Topic: I'd appreciate some introductory help.  (Read 313 times)
« on: November 27, 2006, 09:04:17 am »

I've not done any serious romhacking yet. I've tinkered around with finding and altering text in SNES/NES games, but that's as far as my experience goes. That was fairly easy, unless the games used compression, because all I needed to do was to search through a single file.

Now I'm looking at doing a minor hack on a PS1 game, and I've just got no idea. There are several hundred files, and I can't identify more than a handful of them. Can anyone offer any advice on searching for the text in a CD game? I'm looking for English text in an American release, if that makes any difference. I've already tried opening the files to see if there's any obvious text, and there is not. I'm not out of ideas already, but before I go any further, I thought I would ask the forum.

If the answer is that there's no shortcut, other than looking through every file and working out which bits are text, and how they are stored... I can't say I'm surprised. It doesn't hurt to ask though, does it?
« Last Edit: November 27, 2006, 09:14:36 am by Soluzar »
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2006, 03:09:07 pm »

Given that the text is uncompressed, maybe it would be easier to use a program that can search multiple files at once. I've seen one relating to Saturn-hacking, but nothing regarding PSX.
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