How can I hack Dictionary Compression? :banghead: I want to hack a nes game. My main target is inserting some text in the empty areas. I need a Guide and a tool.
Dictionary compression is also known as DTE/MTE compression, FYI.
Anyway, adding this compression to a game requires a bit of ASM knowledge and a guide I would recommend is KingMike's DTE doc. The most important thing to know is the functions of the various code that go into the hack. Understanding will allow for modification so that the code can be adapted to another game. Virtually no two games are alike.
If the game already has DTE/MTE, then the job is much easier. All you have to do is add the values to your table file. I've ran into a couple games that already have MTE or sub-string compression, but most of them don't have have one implemented.
Quote from: Gil Galad on January 31, 2010, 11:43:12 am
If the game already has DTE/MTE, then the job is much easier. All you have to do is add the values to your table file. I've ran into a couple games that already have MTE or sub-string compression, but most of them don't have have one implemented.
The first Sylvanian Families game is a good example: it has dictionary compression, but only for a couple of strings. The second game has a much more complete dictionary implementation.