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Author Topic: Fire Emblem Monsho no Nazo: need some help  (Read 1 times)
« on: January 27, 2010, 05:11:51 pm »


I'm translating FE3, aka Monsho no Nazo to my language, Vietnamese.
No, I've almost finished the translation. You can see my work at


And here some picture if you can't wait to see the videos to load.

The translation is about 97%, just two little thing I don't know how to duel with. So I need some help form you veterans.

First, in the game, if you turn off the battle Anime, then when your character level ups, receives Item or his/her weapon goes broken, there's a massage inform you.
But in my translation, I can not locate these massage. I don't know where the hell they are in the Rom. So these 3 kind of massages are strill cavespeak, like the image below.

The current English patch also has this fault like me. I wonder whethere the text is compressed or not. So if you know where these massages is, please teach me.

Second, FE Monsho no Nazo uses the buit-in variable width font, by which you can adjust each character's width (pixel).
The dialogue vwf adjust table starts at $3B6B8 (inclued header), the menu vwf adjust table starts at $3BECA.

But I don't know where is the adjust table for the font used in the tapestry in the opening of the game. So I haven't translated this opening yet, like image below.

If you know where to go to adjust the width of the font used in this tapestry opening, please teach me.

That's all. Thank you very much in advance. The completion is 97%, with your help it will be 100%.
Thank you for reading, again.

« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2010, 11:50:24 am »

you should post those question here too
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