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Author Topic: Kanji array in romjuice  (Read 1 times)
« on: December 30, 2009, 09:45:13 pm »

Here is what I read in the readme.txt of Romjuice

kanji array encoding is when an array of kanji bytes are indicated
       with a trigger, and then "index bytes", following. in most games,
       kanji are stored as dual-byte values, such as:

       C0 12

       to save space, some game developers used kanji array encoding for
       saving space with long lists of kanji in a row. a normal kanji array
       string might look like this:

       C2 12 34 56   
       which would be the equivilant to:

       C0 12 C0 34 C0 56

       C1 would be a trigger for the 2 following bytes, C2 would be 3, C3
       would be 4, etc.
       a few games that use this space saving technique are burning heroes,
       la wares, and popful mail. now, if you want to support kanji array
       encoding in your script dump, make a table entry like this:


       where C1 is the kanji array trigger byte, 2 is how many bytes following
       it are to be printed as kanji, and C000 is the value to add to those
       bytes to get their respective kanji value in the table. keep in mind,
       if you have the above in your table, and the following is in the rom:

       C1 12 34 56

       it will be expecting that there is a table entry for C012, C034, and
       C056. i hope the method for kanji array encoding that i've implemented
       will meet most peoples needs.

The explanation is so vague, or am I too stupid to understand it. My game has these Kanji in the table


And in the Rom, there's a value: 0012A2A3, which is equivalent
to 英雄 displayed in the game. So what should I have in the table in order to print 0012A2A3 as 英雄?

Thank you very much for reading and thank you in advantage.
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2009, 10:07:46 pm »

First off, use cartographer.

Secondly, if it doesn't support this, you have to code a custom dumper.
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2009, 10:52:20 pm »

The description in romjuice was for a script storage system used in Burning Heroes and Granhistoria.

Basically, C0 is a control byte that says the next character is a kanji.  C1 says the next two bytes are two kanji.  C2 is three...all the way to C7.  So C3 40 88 10 F0 would be 4 kanji.  The games above used C0-C7 and C8-CF for control code / length codes which allowed for decent "compression" of 512 usable kanji.

I don't see anything in your script sample that is similar.  Or maybe you typed it in incorrectly (the storage doesn't have any length code).  We'd probably need more info.

In short.  Bad news: You -may- need a custom dumper.  Good news: You'll still be able to insert with Atlas.
« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2009, 11:09:39 pm »

Thank you very much for your answear!

@Klarth: Yes I stiil can use Atlas, and it's my best favourite script inserter. Thank you for your great insterter!

I didn't mistype any thing. The game I mentioned above is Fire Emblem Monsho no nazo for the Snes. It has

0011 triggers the kana, like: 001100=あ, 001101=い...

And 0012 triggers the first Kanji array, 0013 triggers the next one and so on.

I don't see anything in your script sample that is similar.

Thanks to your reply, now I know that Romjuice doesn't support this type of Kanji array.
« Reply #4 on: December 31, 2009, 01:29:26 am »

Aha...I understand now.  This would definitely need a custom dumper.  Even a workaround hack using handakuten/dakuten values wouldn't work due to there being more than 2 type switches (kana and several kanji banks...possibly katakana too).  Do you have any programming skills?
« Reply #5 on: December 31, 2009, 04:33:19 am »

I don't have any programming skill. No, I'm not a programmer.
But I found a way to dump these Kanji out. Just a little waste of time.

I include these in the table:


and other Kanji combination. It's a time consuming task, but I have no way  :laugh:
« Reply #6 on: January 02, 2010, 02:43:35 pm »

find RPGOne or (can't remember) who made the FE3 patch
maybe he can help
« Reply #7 on: January 02, 2010, 03:12:32 pm »

RPGGuy96 is the one who released a patch.
Gideon is still working on his.
« Reply #8 on: January 06, 2010, 10:05:22 pm »

We're about to finishe FE3 in our language. But there're some section in the menu that we can't find anywhere.

If you turn off the battle animation, it's a message inform you that you've leveled up or your weapon has broken. We can't find these in the Rom.
Do anyone know where it is?
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