i hate hate hate hate hate computer science. at times, it's like puzzle solving. there's a job people don't want to do, so it's proposed to make a machine do it for you. yeah. great. guess who gets to figure that out? bah. sometimes it works, though. a solution is discovered. code is written. in an instant modern marvel, the machine does the redundant task. you sit back. you watch it calculate endlessly. you know you made it do it and you get a feeling of power from it. sometimes, though, it just won't work. the solution is too hard to find out. you can't find a way to make a silicon board add up the numbers the right way. this is why i hate it. this is exactly the kind of thing that makes a geek into a mad scientist. it's not enough to have it not work. to admit defeat. it eats away at you endlessly. you know you can do it. the machine just sits there and laughs at you. the feeling of power is gone. you find it somewhere else, say, from building some kind of mutant super-race to do all of your bidding. that's why minions are so expendable. the second they disobey, it reminds dr crazygonuts of that first program that wouldn't work and they flip out and kill it. some times i have total sympathy for mad scientists.