The 100 Deaths of Cartio - 001

Cartio awoke to the smell of sea salt. He was in a small room and could see light shining in from a small, circular window. Curious, he peered outside and saw ocean spreading far into the horizon. He looked to his door and saw the number G128. Hmm...I guess I'm a sailor or passenger or something. He got dressed and walked outside, only to notice a crowd of gasping people standing in a circle. His suspicion got the best of him and he went over to see what it was: a dead body. Cartio looked around for an authority and eventually found a rent-a-cop who was looking over the scene.

"Hey," Cartio said, "What happened?"

"Well...uh...he was shot," he replied, using that sort of mentality that is only found in rent-a-cops.

"Oh," wow, this guy's quick..., "Is there any sort of investigation?"

"Well, um...that's classified." Then he tried to look tough and important.

Classified...I bet he doesn't even know what that means, "It's ok, I'm undercover." He flashed his license at him quickly then pulled it back.

"" He bumbled around for a while trying to think of what to say.

"The investigation?"

"Yeah, um, that guy over there with the brown hat, he's a detective."

"I see. Well, thank you officer and good luck with you duties." Cartio started to walk away. He looked back and said, "Officer..."


"Never breed."

The officer looked kind of confused as Cartio walked towards the detective, still awed by the stupidity of the inbred rent-a-cop. He approached the detective.

"What's going on?" He said.

The detective gave a stern look at Cartio. "He was shot."

Oh geeze, not another inbred...

"Twice actually, once in the leg and once in the stomach."

"Ouch, slow and painful, eh?"


"Are there any suspects?"

"What do I look like, a detective?"

Whoops, undercover detective. "Oh, no, I was just wondering if you had any ideas."

"Well, no. But there is a search going on. Everyone's room is being checked. Once we find the gun, we found the murderer."

"What if he threw the gun in the ocean?"

"Don't contradict me. I know what I'm doing"

"How? You're just a passenger."

"This is how." He showed Cartio his badge. "Now back off!"

Surprise, surprise...

Cartio wandered around the boat, watching guards go in and out of each room. Suddenly a guard yelled out, "I've found the matching gun! The murderer is the passenger in G128!" G128?...why does that sound familiar...oh crap... Cartio realized that not only was he a passenger, he was the murderer himself. Okay...just stay calm. He observed himself and found that he was sweating all over. This just keeps getting better. Cartio tried to hide the wetter parts of his red shirt.

Just then, a passenger yelled out, "That's him! In the red shirt!" Cartio caught a glimpse of the pass on the man's shirt. G127...okay, now I'm screwed.

"Alright, just stay still now, " said the detective.

"I think not, " replied Cartio. He pulled out a knife from his pocket and charged the detective. The detective moved out of the way and pounded Cartio on the back, his knife sent flying. Ouch. This body isn't very agile.

The detective looked down on him and said, "Okay now, are you finished?"


He grabbed the detective's collar and pulled him down to the ground. He ran for his knife, but was confronted by the passenger from G127. The passenger gave him a very evil look and pushed him off of the boat. Once Cartio re-surfaced, he saw in a blurry mess the outline of the detective pointing a gun at him. Well, maybe he's a bad shot...He heard two gunshots and suddenly felt an excruciating pain in his leg and his stomach. "Slow and painful, eh," said the detective mockingly. Cartio's vision faded to black. Here we go again...