CONTENT! I have no content. I get ideas for designs all of the time, but nothing ever gets used because i have nothing to make the page worth visiting. The most popular site that I've worked on has content supplied (mostly) by other people. Blah. So I was thinking of doing some kind of thing where I can set up mini-blog sites or something (since blogs are easy to update, though admittadly usually a bore to read). Something like that so I can brush up on my php and possibly get some kind of odd content from other people. On a not really related note, Tokyo Damage Report is worth reading. The guy who runs it sorta snapped and ranted about how, even though he has interesting content, things don't really go well with his site. I can sorta relate, but he has CONTENT. I have no argument compared to his. So, visit that, visit elsewhere, tell people that you enjoy their sites. End.