It's XiMWiX redesign time. That means another temporary NES layout. I'm not sure how long this is going to be here, but it'll probably be a while. I'm aiming for around mid-june to have the new design up and running. It seems like a long time, but I have finals coming up, and then I have to move back to (*shudder*) Vineland, and my family's going on some kind of vacation in June, and I have to find a job. Actually, now that I write it all out, it seems very likely that it'll take even longer than that...

Anyway, a quick rundown. Home is where I'll be ranting about the usual boring mundainaties of my life. About is what you're reading now. Comments is where you can comment about this site or whatever. Links is a links page (since I use my links pages as a sort of portal site...). And Develop is where I'll be posting pictures of the design and whatnot so you can see how close I am to being finished.
